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Do the Lives of Black Men Count for Less? Men in Skirts Senate passes SR 138 designating September as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Death in Cortez, CO How to Pay for Residential Care Does Your Loved One Need Help Managing Money? Prostate Cancer Awareness Stamp Taken Off the Market Prostate Cancer Research Institute Alert: Another Important Research Project May Fail If Men Don't Show Up Sexual Harassment - A Touchy Subject Cool Dad Images of Teenagers in TV News What Boys Think Fewer Men Going Into Teaching Why Little Boys Need Toy Guns Sex, lies and monogamy Common Ground Facilitated Men's Groups Genital Surgery Pandering to Social Prejudices Single Dads Wage Revolution Still About "Manhood" Only Dumb Parents Don't Wear Helmets 10 Managed Care Tips for Caregivers Older Men and Community Building Male Victims of Women's Violence Slowly Overcoming Skepticism See the special directories at the Top of This Page |
As of September 30, 2001, the Prostate Cancer Awareness stamps will be withdrawn from sale through the USA Philatelic mail order catalog and no longer be available. Some of the larger post offices that have Philatelic Centers for collectors may still have a very limited inventory. Of course, non-postal stamp dealers and collectors may have some for sale. MORE |
Everyone knows about Chandra Levy, the missing Washington intern. She's the nation's most prominent missing person, but she is only one of hundreds of thousands of people who disappear each year, almost half of them men and boys. MORE |
A review of offenses that include incidents of coerced sexual favors of nuns by Catholic priests in Brazil, India, Ireland, Italy, Africa and the U.S. and the support given by the Vatican to the offenders. 7-8/01. MORE |
About 5,800 cases of bacterial meningitis occur annually in the US among very young children to college students. Parents across the country have become increasingly concerned about meningitis and how it is spread. 8/01. |
Thousands of meatpacking workers (men) suffer crippling injuries each year. A special report from inside the nation's slaughterhouses. 8/01 of Mother Jones |
Ms magazine is asking readers what they think about this ad for Reebok. Does it glamorize the restrictions placed on women living under extremist Islamic regimes? Or is it trying to turn a spiritual decision, whether or not to cover, into a "come-hither" consumerist moment? Or does it show an image of Islamic women as strong and self-confident? In a related story in the 8/01 issue of Mother Jones called "Behind the Veil", said "Westerners see Iran's mandatory veil as a symbol of repression. But under cover of the hejab, Islamic women have gained more freedom than they - or the fundamentalists - could have imagined." What do you think? Ms, Comments Please, 20 Exchange Place, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10005. |
A new publication direct to everyone working with fathers hits in Britain, Fatherwork. Tidbits fill this 16 page slick publication with lots of valuable information. Good for everyone working with father's outside of Britain also. |
The movie, Intimacy, has the most graphic sex scenes ever given a general release. The scenes are real gritty. The part goes further than frontal nudity...it features actual oral sex, the first time an English language film has been passes for general release with such graphic content. 8/01 |
Subtitled "Extortion in the Name of Mental Healing" this document comes from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 800.869.2247. |
Ranked: Strangers in the night. The more the merrier. Whose your daddy. On display. A masterful performance. Tasting another's fruits. Leave a good tip. Two to tango. Also see "Top 10 Annoying Things Men Do During Sex." and "Satisfy Her: Tips & techniques for the bedroom." 8/01 |
An issue that centers around the popular HBO series,Sex in the City, featuring articles on each of the cast members and adding quizzes, articles like Seduction 101 and Talk Flirty to Me, and some really tacky full page ads for increasing breast size and penis size. 8/01 |
With the stumbling success of the cocktails, more HIVers are turning to complementary/alternative medicines with more questions and more hope. 8/01 |
Why Catherine Bach is still sexy; five mad sportsmen; a classic movie sex scene analyzed; an old poster worth a fortune; our suggestions for a video marathon; 1 things you didn't know about Burt Reynolds; weird workplace happenings; 10 things to say to her while watching TV and more. 8/01 |
Why you are at risk: Over-oiled, undercovered and out in the noonday sun. Other risk factors: pale skin (Caucasians are far more vulnerable, though all groups are at risk), light eyes and hair, freckles, lots of moles, a family history, childhood sunburns, and prior skin cancers. Not a pleasant site. 8/20/01 |
Pre-op prep, a surgical strike, and holding the bag. The author, at forty-three, learned he had colorectal cancer. Following chemo and radiation treatment, surgery was scheduled for April 3. This article is the fourth in a series. Also, check out "Why Men Hunt". 8/01 |
So says Jessalyn Gilsig of Boston Public. Know that "Abstinence only" is being pimped in 40 percent of schools teaching sex ed. The author wants to cancel class. Also, Why gay is better than straight (stereotype alert). 8/01 |
Do you know the ins and outs of sex? Gauge your carnal knowledge. Prepare to sharpen your other pencil. Also, a review of the top four online pharmacies for men. 8/01 |
On newsstands now, this 214 health guide is filled with great information for your body, your diet, your relationship - your life. Check it out! On display until 10/23/01. |
David King is a man turned woman turned man. So what's it like to lose your penis? Before that sex change, answer some true-or-false questions that experts might ask you. 8/01 |
The author is a daytime tv-addicted Holiness University junior who is waiting for the audience to revolt against Jenny's Jones peroxide-based, pick walled dictatorship. #14 |
Changes are our Sex-O-Meter proved you're not a stud after all. Take a tip or two from these ladies and reeducate yourself in the sack. 7-8/01 |
Surprise! Today's teens are a lot like the Greatest Generation. Surprise? Today's teens are the most optimistic, hardworking generation since World War II. 7-8/01 |
An ad in the 7-8/01 issue of Mother Jones says "Since President Bush doesn't understand global warming, let us draw him a map" showing a variety of disasters across the U.S.: forest fires, extreme drought, crop failures, record heat, waves and virus alerts, among other disasters. |
Teen magus promote what women's magazines have emphasized for years, beauty on the outside. Every now-and-then there's an article that takes an slightly different tack. The seven secrets: Confidence rules. Envy is a waste of time. Friends and family like you for who you are, not your size. Healthy habits rock. Harness the power of positive thinking. Think like a guy. Don't compare yourself to others...especially celebrities (though earlier they trashed Calista Flockhart calling her a "scary stick"). Then it's back to the original premise with articles highlighting physical beauty and clothes high lighting breasts. (Check out Cool Dad and A Touchy Subject.) |
Jim Beam whiskey continues its ads demeaning men. All three ran this month. The first ad shows four men, three of them looking at each other and the fourth guy looking at what looks like a stripper on a pole with the line "Who says men don't like dancing? Real friends. Real bourbon." The second ad shows the same photo run in Australia as "If the chicks ask, we're watching the footy." The third ad is a birthday party with a woman coming out of a giant cake. The headline reads "A picture is worth a thousand words, and these guys will deny every single one. Real friends. Real bourbon." So, the Jim Beam good old boys like drinking', strippers, and being deceitful. Come to think of it, they may be right. |
The recent execution of Timothy McVeigh stirred a controversy over whether or not there should be public executions. What do you think? |
An online survey reported the top 5 "chick" cars as the: VW Beetle, VW Cabriolet, Mazda Miata, VW Jetta & Dodge Neon. The top 5 "guy" cars were the: Ford Mustang, Chevy Corvette, Chevy Camaro, Ford F-150 pickup, & Dodge Viper. |
For each copy of Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul you purchase from us at the regular price, we will send a copy to two prison libraries. (Our goal is to get at least one copy in every prison in the U.S., which total over 8,000 facilities.) MORE |
It's happening. Chicken Soup for the Soul® has an edition about men and they are looking for stories. MORE |
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It takes a great imagination to create cigarette advertising. Philip Morris are experts at it. Like using their charity work to get their cigarette image back on television and pretending cigarettes have nothing to do with over 1,200 deaths a day. MORE This mimic of Marlboro ads appeared in the 2/01 issue of Stance magazine for young men. There's a body bag over the trailing horse and the Surgeon General's box noting "Yee Haw! You too can be an independent. rugged, macho-looking dead guy." 16 mg of cancer-causin' tar, 200 mg of false self-confidence, 2500 mg of "Giddy-up, nobody gonna tell me what to do!" www.thetruth.com/main.cfm?flash=no ![]() |
There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go. - Tennessee Williams
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