Menstuff® list of local men's events and conferences happening during April.
AU - Australia, CAN -
Canada, GB - England, FR
- France, DE2 - Germany,
NZ - New Zealand, ZA
- South Africa **
DC, Mar 28-Apr 2, 17th Annual Demonstration/March Against Infant Circumcision, US Capital Building
US Arp 1 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - What is it?
DC, Apr 1-7, Genital Integrity Awareness Week, Washington
US Arp 2 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - Symptoms
AU, Apr 2-5 - Quodoushka 2 for Women and Men, Gold Coast
US Arp 3 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - What the doctor looks for
Apr 3-5 - New Warrior Training Adventure - FL (Wisconsin), Santa Barbara, Canada West
US Arp 4 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - Prevention
US Arp 5 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - Treatment
US Arp 6 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - Prognosis
US Arp 7 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - Automatic monthly reminder, self-exam and other resources.
AU, Apr 9-12 - Quodoushka 3 for Women and Men, Gold Coast
Apr 17-19 - New Warrior Training Adventure. Windsor/Detroit, New England, NorCal, Sioux City, S Africa (CT), STL, CHI
CA Apr 17-20 - Healing the Mother Wound® for men only, Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown
Apr 24-26 - New Warrior Training Adventure, Memphis, IN, Northwest, SDO
CA. April 30-May 3 - Healing the Father Wound® for men only, Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown
April is Alcohol Awareness; Animal Cruelty Prevention; California Earthquake Preparedness; *Cancer Control, Community Spirit; Couple Appreciation; *Child Abuse Prevention; Holy Humor; Home Improvement Safety; International Amateur Radio; International Customer Loyalty; International Daffynitions; International Legacy; International Twit Award; International Work Life Enrichment; Keep American Beautiful; Mathematics Education; Month of the Young Child; National Autism Awareness; National Humor; National Knuckles Down; National Lawn and Garden; National Poetry Month, National Self-Publishing; National Sexually Transmitted Diseases Education and Awareness; National Youth Sports Safety; Occupational Therapy; Prevent Injuries America; School Library Media; Spring Ahead for Life; Stress Awareness (breathe); World Habitat Awareness; Zam! Zoo and Aquarium Month. And, depending on the school system, it's also Spring Break.
These dates are from previous years and may change in 2009: Mar 13-Apr 15: Deaf History Month. Mar 25-Apr 4: Muharram. Mar 26-Apr 2: Navaratri/Gangaur. And Apr 1-7 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - Get a Grip!, Genital Integrity Awareness Week, Washington, D.C.; Golden Rule; Dumb; International Building Safety; National Blue Ribbon; National Library; National Medical Patient Advocacy; National Occupational Therapy; National Pecan; National Pet First Aid Awareness; National Poetry; Passion; Week of the Young Child Week. Apr 2-6: Strolf-Stretch Week. Apr 2-8: National Public Health Week. Apr 4-10: Hate Week. Apr 6-8: Alcohol-Free Weekend. Apr 8-14: National Garden; National Week of the Ocean; Network Marketing Professionals; *Pan American; Holy Week. Apr 12-18: National Minority Cancer Awareness Week. Apr 15-21: Grange; National Infant Immunization; *National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness; Reading is Fun Week. Apr 16-20: Consumer Awareness; Egg Salad; Explore Your Career Options; Family Laughing Through Stories; *National Crime Victims Rights; *National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness; National Organize Your Files; Young People's Poetry Week. Apr 17-23: National Park Week. Apr 21-22: Just Pray No: Worldwide Weekend Prayer. Apr 21-23: Earth Day Weekend. Apr 21-May 2: Festival of Ridvan. Apr 22-28: Administration Professionals; National Karaoke; *National Volunteer; Sky Awareness Week. Apr 22-29: *Jewish Heritage Week. Apr 23-29: Astronomy; National Playground Safety; National TV Turnoff; National YMCA Week. Apr 29-May 5: *National Science and Technology Week.
Apr 1: April Fools'; Check Your Batteries; Lupus Alert; National Repot Your Plant; Sorry Charlie Day; Testicular Cancer - What is it?, Apr 2: International Children's Book; Reconciliation Day, Testicular Cancer - Symptoms. Apr 3 - Testicular Cancer - What the doctors look for . Apr 4: Thank You, School Librarian; Victims of Violence Holy; Testicular Cancer - Prevention, Apr 5 - National Alcohol Screening; *National Equal Pay; National Fun at Work; National Tomb-Sweeping (Taiwan); Tartan Day; Testicular Cancer - Treatment, Apr 6 - Testicular Cancer - Prognosis, Apr 7 -National Hug Your Newsman; UN World Health Day. Testicular Cancer - Automatic monthly reminder, self-exam and other resources. Apr 8: International Feng Shui Awareness Day. Apr 9: *National Former Prisoner of War Recognition; Winston Churchill Day. Apr 10: National Siblings; Salvation Army Founder's Day. Apr 11: Barbershop Quarter Day. Apr 12: Vote Lawyers Out of Office Day. Apr 13: Blame Someone Else; National D.A.R.E. Day, Apr 14: International Moment of Laughter; *Pan American; Remembrance Day. Apr 15: National Coin Day. Apr 17: Blah Blah Blah; National Stress Awareness; National Positive Alternatives for Living; Verrazanoo Day. Apr 18: Pet Owners Independence; Third World Day. Apr 19: John Parker Day. Apr 20: Holocaust; National Youth Service Day. Apr 21: Earth Environmental Angels; Kindergarten; San Jacinto Day. Apr 22: Earth Day Anniversary; Girl Scout Leader Day. Apr 25: Administrative Professionals, Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting Awareness Day. Apr 26: Day of Silence; Hug an Australian: National Playground Safety; Richter Scale; Take Our Daughters to Work Day. Apr 27: Hug a Prom Sponsor; National Arbor National Child Care Professionals; National Hairball Awareness Day, Apr 28: Astronomy; Kiss Your Mate; National Sense of Smell; Native American Heritage Day. Apr 29: Mother, Father Deaf; National Puppetry Day. Apr 30: International Dare of Live; International Walk; National Honesty; Spank Out Day USA.
* Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made.
In all of this, don't let Child Abuse Prevention get lost. Check out our extensive sections of issues: Abuse, Circumcision, Gangs, Hazing, Incest/Molestation, Ritual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Suicide, TV violence, Violence, Domestic Violence, Women's Violence and Prisons. and Books - Abuse of Boys, Child Abuse, Abuse - MPD, Ritual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Circumcision, Anger, Forgiveness, Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment, and Women's Violence.
The Karo are renowned for their imaginative and varied body-painting designs, executed in white chalk, yellow mineral-bearing rock, and ochre mixed with water. During the courtship season, they take great pleasure in painting themselves with dramatic, eye-catching designs - a different one each day - to attract potential admirers. Their clay buns, with ostrich feathers inserted into small macrame knots, are worn not only to enhance their beauty but to signify status and qualities such as courage. Like body painting, hair-styling is a creative activity. Body beautification is a transporting pleasure to the Karo, and a highlight among the hardships of Omo Valley life. Ethiopia. Men of the African Ark calendar, Pomegranate
State codes appear to the far left of the first line of each listing. If there is an event in the state this month, a click on the state code will bring up the first one. You will have to scroll down from there to see if there are other events in your state during the month. Using our internal search engine in the left sidebar will bring up everything with the state code, including events and even your state representatives. Click on where it says "Men's Events - (the month). When it brings up the month, click on the state code. If you would like more information about an event, click on the title and it will provide what we have. See Men's Councils and Other Organizations that have regular monthly meetings. All events presumed Men Only unless noted with a W&M. +R&B = + room & meals. +B = + meals.
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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