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Menstuff® reports here on interesting articles appearing in February periodicals. A click on the photo will often provide a larger photo or additional information reagrding the topic. See previous months above. A variety of current information is also available: Mediawatch, 2002 provides reviews the media's portrayal of men in advertising and the media. See 2001, also. For an index of these and additional stories, see 2002 and 2001. What's New provides weekly updates of additions to the web site including the latest issues, which are also included in Newsbytes (see table above). After reviewing some of these topics, we encourage you to write the corporations and the government and give them your viewpoint. Action of the Week selects a particular action to take for the week. Change doesn't usually take place when only one complaint is received. If you want to be part of the solution, let them hear from you! Here's how. |
The 2/02 issue of Details looks at our "Members" from several different viewpoints including "The Finger", and getting kicked in the family jewels, to name a couple. |
Much of this issue is around the topic of Single Men: Single by Choice. Priveleged? Who Should Pay for a Date? Single Parenting. Single Young Men. We're All Single Men. And more. Everyman 2-3/02 |
The 2/02 issue of GQ
reports on a story about a high school sophomore who had
seen a movie where another teenage guy, just like him,
videotaped himself having sex with his girlfriend and showed
the tape to friends. In the movie, there were no
consequences But, the real world is not that simple.
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Cord blood contains stem cells, which are a foundation of the body's immune system. These cells can create parts of blood, bone marrow, and components of the immune systems. Learn more in the 2/02 issue of American Baby. |
Descending on a Third World country near you: New war toys that will put the hurt on scumbags in ways modern science had once never dreamed possible. 2/02 Stuff |
They say it doesn't happen. And, if it does, it only happens to women. Well, it happens to men, too. Awareness comes from connecting to feelings. If we keep the feelings blocked out, we, and they, may never know what really happened to us. 2/02. |
The 2/02 issue discusses the surgeon general David Satcher's report on the state of this country's sexual health. PT puts a face on the hard facts such as increased rates of STDs and HIV, sexual violence, unintended pregnancies and abortions. |
You may feel scared and helpless, but you're more in control than you realize. Know the facts. Don't think failure. Talk to your parents. Do your part. 2/02 |
Keeping women from ruining your male relationships. What to do when your best buddy, your lifelong friend, is loathed by the woman you're with? Is she indirectly criticizing you? The article tell what four men had to say. 2/02 |
These are anxious times, characterized by a nervous uptick of depression, anxiety disorders, panic attacks. The causes aren't going away soon, but you don't have to live with the symptoms. Men's Health, 2/02 Subscribe Here |
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This review examines seven hours spent on The Learning Channel (TLC). Blockbusters like A Baby Story and A Wedding Story become addictive for some women, heterosexual women. Read more in Bitch No. 15 |
Put down that "tobacco pipe" and listen up. The Feds are spending billions trying to keep drugs off the street, and every day drugs are cheaper, more pure, and easier to get. Don't we have better wards to fight? 2/02. Subscribe Here |
Being a "Deadbeat Dad" seems inconceivable and disgusting to most of us. How could any parent turn his back, financially or emotionally, on his own child? Well, reviewing this article might prove most informative. 1-2/02 |
Deep down I knew if he couldn't handle the situation, I was going to be devastated. What words would I use? Daddy is really another Mommy? The story from the transgendered world. Tapestry, Winter/02 |
Suddenly everyone is looking for solace, for clarity, and they're not finding it on CNN. Time to look elsewhere. Men's Journal, 2/02 Subscribe Here |
The terrorism of Osama bin Laden harnesses the chaos of young men, uniting the energies of political ardor and sex in a turbulent fuel. Voice Male, Winter/02 |
A wise-up guide for women. from an author who has had a few husbands and knows a few things about marital bliss (and marital misery). She shares her hard-won wisdom with women. Hurray! Good Housekeeping 2/02 |
The author, Friar William Griffith III is Abbot of a group called the Tolstoyan Christian Brothers, which is working to form what he calls "the Gay Ecumenical Movement. The issue includes notes from Brothers Behind Bars. Winter/01-02 |
You've got the mortgage, the mini-van, the college fund, the problems of the world. Your neighbors may have a little something to help. Esquire, 2/02 Subscribe Here |
When parents split, kids are affected - a lot. Here, the author, a licensed clinical social worker, answers parents' and kids' questions. Check out www.parentingadolescents.com as well. New Moon, 1-2/02 Subscribe here |
Stock Car Racing salutes the women of racing. Shawna Robinson, 38; Tina Gordon, 33; Sunny Hobbs, 33; Molly Morter, 27; Kelly Sutton, 31; and Angie Wilson, 28. Unlike Olympic Coverage, these women weren't asked by Sports Car Racing magazine to show skin to be recognized for their on-track talents. 2/02 |
Cosmo found the sexiest, steamiest routes for your lover to lead you to peaks of ecstasy. Have her go down all these passion paths and you may never leave her bed. 2/02 |
A journal exploring gay men's spirituality looks at the issue of "Intention" and what it can and does not manifest. You will find an interesting variety of viewpoints. White Crane, Winter 01-02 |
For each copy of Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul you purchase from us at the regular price, we will send a copy to two prison libraries. (Our goal is to get at least one copy in every prison in the U.S., which total over 8,000 facilities.) Updates on Chicken Soul for the Prisoner's Soul ![]() |
It's happening. Chicken Soup for the Soul® has an edition about men and they are looking for stories. ![]() |
There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go. - Tennessee Williams
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