Newsbytes - 2000

Menstuff® adds information on various issues
weekly. We present a new issue each day at Today.
See the list
of issues for each month.
What is the media saying of concern to men?
Menstuff® has taken excerpts from many periodicals and included
our comments - good and bad alike. Here is the archive for
2000. See also 2003,
and 1999.
A click on the photo will often provide a larger photo or additional
information regarding the topic.
A variety of current information is also
available: Mediawatch,
2002 provides reviews the media's
portrayal of men in advertising and the media. See 2001,
also. For an index of these and additional stories, see
and 2001.
After reviewing some of these topics, we encourage
you to write the corporations and the government and give them your
viewpoint. Action
of the Week selects a particular action to
take for the week. Change doesn't usually take place when only one
complaint is received. If you want to be part of the solution, let
them hear from you! Here's
how. Updated
Pages | Free
Times | LA
Weekly | Nashville
Weekly | Seattle
Weekly | Village
To Respond to Media's
Portrayal of Men
- Go
Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect
$200, Speed
boosts self-esteem for some male
- A
Manly Aspiration: Avoid AIDS
Awareness -
Dry Up and Blow Away
Binge Drinking -
definition of binge drinking depends on
Breast Cancer
- In Men - Gasoline
exposure increases risk of male breast
Cancer Kills Men Too
Breast Cancer is Rare, But It Does
NFL Support
Breast Cancer Research
Men and
Breast Cancer
Cancer self-exam - if you're a man 60+ and
over-weight, consider signing up for our free monthly reminder
of Women Walked a Marathon in Their Bras
Children -
Children Are Anxious -- And For No Good
The Leading Cause of Death
A Call
for a Boycott of All Simon & Schuster
- Australian
Men More Manly
Scarred by Circumcision
Of Circumcision Creates Controversy
Care & Circumcision
Hears Calls for Banning of
for Help, Circumcision: Yes
or No?
Care and Circumcision
- Hate
Crimes, By
(Can't Remember S_ _ _)
- Hearing
Depression -
stress can cause depression
depression impacts child's health
in five Americans depressed or unhappy
test implant used to ease depression
helps new moms deal with depression
not linked to early signs of heart
can be depressed, study says
doesn't make the heart grow sicker
stress can bring on the blues
can I beat the winter blues?
Affects Men Differently than Women
- Paraplegic
climber scales Mount Rainier
- Newly
divorced are cautious about sexual
Divorce and Suicide
& Divorce
Violence - Children
and Domestic Violence
image that men are violent, women passive, has negative
Drinking -
definition of binge drinking depends on
Disorders - Male
Anorexia: One million victims, ashamed and
diets affect puberty, later disease risk
Fathers -
children are anxious -- and for no good
You're Going to be a Dad
Down With Your Kids
Taking Your Kids Out of
the U.S. (New rules)
- Father's
Day T-Shirt Designs
Mother's Day vs. Happy Father's Day -
Day Snippets
Mother's Day
Stories - Somebody
- Satisfied
Men Live Longer
Guns - Million
Mom March
- How
to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone
Wrong with My Penis?
Mass Index Calculator
Long Will You Live Into The New
men live longer
scan gives baby's-eye view of the
art reflects internal emotional world
says LASIK may be okay for children,
injuries spur high chair recall
moms breast-feed with support from baby's
lacking in pregnant teens and women
find gene possibly linked to autism
babies have higher adult blood
moms calming kids down with
NIH Report a Setback for Men's
Time to End the Gender Gap in Health
Issue on Men's Health
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Ignore Men
1, The
AAOS Confirms Our Suspicion
2. Hard-working
women may be bad for your health
Smokers Can't Collect Social Security
Hepatitis -
Home Blood Tests
Humor -
English is Hard to Learn
non-sexist jokes
for Take-Off - Fun Stuff on the Net
- Sex
and the City Tackles Impotence Problem
- Immunizations
- Infertile
men at greater risk of testicular cancer
- NFL for
Kids; Flag
Football for Girls, Too
exposure linked to cancer in children
Male Breast
Cancer - Gasoline
exposure increases risk of male breast cancer
Marriage -
No One Tells the Groom - Some Legal Consequences of
Marriage. June is the big wedding month.
Proposed laws regarding "Informed Consent" before marriage have
failed numerous times in the California legislature. It is clear,
there is a large segment of the women's movement that does not want
men to have a clear picture of what they are committing to. If you
are planning on marriage or know someone who is, read this or let the
betrothed beware!
and Prison for Thousands of Innocent Men Every Year
Health - Dispelling
the Myths
- Performing
the Sweat Lodge Ritural
- Osteoporosis
drug also works in men
Am I Getting Shorter?
- Michael's
Fight: New hope in the war against Parkinson's
Poetry -
Waiting for your original poems to, for or about
Politics - Electile
Dysfunction; Why
Over 200,000 African-Americans Could Not Vote in
- Tax-Deductible
- Modern
Science vs. Politics,
of America's Death Sentences are
to Stop all Executions
- Protein
Linked to Prostate Cancer Risk in Black
- Are You Kidding?
Men With Vasectomies At Greater Risk For Prostate
Medicine Online: Therapeutic Choices in
Cancer Climb - January, 2001
Together - Live Together
Permanente Recommends Agasinst Prostate
Reason for Fight for More
Test Might Detect Prostate Cancer
Pointe is Gross
What the
choices are and how they can affect your
- Doc
Love has joined us for a weekly
Health - T'ai
Chi May Benefit Those with Arthritis
nursing care extends survival after surgery
Seniors -
home' design may prevent injuries in elderly
Sexism - It
Never Hurts to Ask
Sexual Abuse
- Sexual
abuse in girls leads to later substance
Sexual Abuse
- The
Secret to a Long Life: Have lots of
in Later Life
Trial of Supplement to Optimize Sperm
Pennsylvania & Alaska Legislate Sex
Broadcasting Expands Sexuality Beyond Male and Female
Skin - Liver
Sleep Apnea -
apnea, diabetes increase stroke risk
Smoking -
Marlboro Man may be Impotent
teens have high pregnancy, STD rates
Suicide -
& Youth Suicide
Teen Health -
involved in school is good for teen
Do I Avoid The Freshman 15
- Testicular
Cancer No Longer Unmentionable
Cancer Cases Outpace Breast Cancer in Califiornia
Toy Safety -
Toy Labels Really Mean
Teen Sex -
Shows Sex Practices of Boys
Think Oral Sex is Like Abstinence
US Teens
Lack Information on Avoiding HIV
the Odds
No Male Birth Control Pill? Lots of Reasons
- Are
You a Manly Man?
Urgent -
nappies linked to infertility
- Is
A Vasectomy Foolproof?
at 18/Tubuligations at 21
- Snapshots
on Children's Exposure to Community
Violence plus information about a new
product for women called bodyperks
- perminantly ereck nipple
Bobby Knight -
How Contrite - Good Night!
War -
Remember POWs
& Health - How
weather affects your health
& Men - What
AOL is Telling Women
& Sports -
Pro Football live on the
Daughter is a Pro
Pro Football is Back with a
(Including teams, schedules,
to NFL Football for Her
of the NFL
Violence - A Good
Kick in the Groin
Work -
Woman Complains
of 50 Hour Work Week
Long Hours
Get the Boot
Rise and
Fall of the Traditional Breadwinner
safety: It's a guy thing
To Respond to
Media's Portrayal of Men
Periodicals: What the media are talking about
- Men's
Periodicals - Men Talking to Men. Over 80 current
men's magazines and newsletters directed to men. The
magazine's latest cover appears under the "Lenny" icon.
- Fathers/Parents
- "Authorities" usually directed to the mother and carrying
information that we should know about our children.
Every-now-and-then, there's something written for men or from our
- Kids -
publications geared to children.
- Teens -
geared toward young adults, primarily young women. It never hurts
to know what "they" are teaching your kids.
- Women -
Woman Talking to Women. Why does a "men's site" have women's
magazines. Again, like the periodicals directed to young girls, it
is important that men understand what primarily women are telling
women about men, relationship, sex, beauty, etc. Not
important? Cosmopolitan reaches/teaches over 7
million women each month, Vogue and Mademoiselle
over 3 million each, Glamour over 6 million, McCalls
11 million, Good Housekeeping 12 million and the list goes
- Diversity
- Mediawatch has
our comments regarding the portrayal of men through
Naitonal Campaign to Prevent Teen
Pregnancy describes males a Sexual Predators
Researchers have long paid less attention to sexual activity and
contraceptive use among males. And the Washington DC-based National
Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy published a report in 1997 that
described males as sexual "predators."
One Man Stands Up
Against the Dixie Chicks (11/20/00)
NBC will air the Dixie Chicks concert Monday night, November 20.
Among the songs is their anthem of revenge against spousal abuse,
"Good-bye Earl" which basic recommends planning a murder within the
first few weeks of marriage. It also inspires a loan male fan to
hoist a sign declaring "Earl was Framed." And, while we don't believe
the circumstances in their song meant Earl was innocent, it sure
didn't suggest that murder is the only alternative. However, seeing a
society that seems to relish revenge, and guns, and murder, it is no
wonder the song has received rave reviews, is featured wherever they
sing, and unabashedly promotes escalating violence and conspiracy and
vigilante law. And, besides us and that one lone man, the rest of the
women's and men's movement seem to be sitting on their hands on this
one. MORE
TV Guide's You Sexy Thing!
Do Real Men Really Prefer Big Breasts? We're supposed to.
However, TV Guide's web site asked its surfers "Which one
is sexier?" Here are just a few of the comparisons and
results as of October 17th. From Ally McBeal: Courtney Thome-Smith
13806 (50%) to Calista Flockhart's 13568 votes (50%) and Lisa Nicole
Carson 1854 votes (32%) to Portia de Rossi's 3930 votes (68%). And,
from the home improvement queens it was Pamela Anderson's 3083 votes
(43%) to Debbe Dunnning's 4018 votes (57%).
Water Colors Inc. Designs Greeting Cards
Depicting "Lenny" as a Eunuch
A company out of Navarre, Florida called Water Colors, has designed a
line of note cards for professional massage therapists to send to
friends and clients. The message on one reads "Heals the body, calms
the mind, renews the spirit." A castrated Leonardo Da Vinci's
Man is on the cover. I wonder if the are saying that massage or
castration "Heals the body, calms the mind, renews the spirit." It
must be kharma or the air-brusher took Leonardo's words as gospel
when, in the late 1400s Da Vinci said "Intellectual passion drives
out sensuality." I am reminder, however, that we are talking about a
company based in Florida, the state that has many laws to control
private and public sexuality, has had a ordinance to out law the
thong bathing suit from its beaches, and is the home of Anita Bryant
and the "Kill a Queer for Christ" bumper sticker campaign. Remember
Anita's famous quote? "If God had meant to have
homosexuals he would have created Adam and Bruce." Well, Anita, God
did just that, if you know anything about physiology. In God's
infinite wisdom and desire to provide a variety of options in lilfe,
s/he created 20 sexualities in addition to male, female and
Money) Water Colors, Inc. can be reached at PO Box 6269,
Navarre, FL 32566-0269 or 800.804.2019. Let them know what you
think about design # 535. We'll let you know if they responded to our
Norelco Promotes More Violence
10/15/00 - Norelco adds to their TV commercial mix. Male spectators
are given the new Norelcom to test. After the test, back at the game,
a woman walks by a fan and feels his face as she walks by. His girl
friend gets angry and whops him with a bataka bat. Norelco's
Initial Response
Norelco Promotes Violence
9/17/00 - Norelco television commercial - guy doesn't like what
mascot says. Guy knocks mascot to the ground with a round house with
his briefcase and walks away smiling.
Are You Making Love in the Dark?
Ms magazine. In this society sex is used to hype consumerism.
Meanwhile, one in four Americans will be infected with an STD in
their lifetime.Ppolitical hypocrites, an outmoded public health
policy, and public indifference and denial fuel the epidemic. So,
what's being done?
Of Microbes and Manhood (8-9/00)
Again in Ms magazine, an article around the premise that
"Belief in traditional manhood increases men's sexual risk-taking."
The author takes a look at exactly how cultural norms about manhood
implicated in this mass migration of microorganisms (STDs)?
Special: Intimacy (Summer 2000)
Hope magazine: People making a difference has 6 stories
on intimacy. Married with Children: A husband and wife on
what happens to passion when kids enter the picture. Intimacy
Alone: How much can we love life and how brace van we be on our
own? Past Imperfect: As his daughter comes of age, a
father recalls his own stumbling steps toward intimacy. Sex, Lies
& Magazine Articles: Whyy all those tips on technique
are missing the point. Nothing to Lose: After de cades in
failing relationships, two friends dare to face their deepest fears
and discover new ideas about love and intimacy. Her Bright
Window: A married man flirts with who he is not and discovers a
llve he can name. Great issue!
What's Behind Dr. Laura's Diatribes?
You may think Dr. Laura is just talk-radio static, but with her
on-air anti-feminist, gay-bashing and anti-abortion advice, she is
promoting the agenda of the Christian Right. See this issue of
Lilith, The independent Jewish women's magazine.
Boys, Fathers and the Assault on
National Review. "The Manly Ideal: Gone but not
forgotten" states that "Manliness is not permission for aggressive
behavior but a set of rules that inhibit aggression in most cases.
And, in "Paternity Fight: Pols and acativists arge over dads"
says that "more politicians will have to find the courage to extol
the importance of married fatherhood." The issue includes a review
titled "The Male Eunuch" by Richard Lowry" of Christina Hoff Sommers
new book, The War Against Boys: How misguided feminism is
harming our young men.
The Mommie Wars (7/00)
Why feminists and conservatives just don't get modern motherhood. A
very interesting piece by Cathy Young, author of Ceasefire: Why
women and men must join forces to achieve true equality.
Breaking the Boy Code
A new magazine on the newsstands, dads has a number of good
articles in it's Premiere Issue. One is the above about parents
finally waking up to what experts have warned for
years: Ours sons are in crisis. Two leading authorities,
Michael Thompson and William Pollack, have each writter best-selling
books on how dads can connect to their sons and keep them safe.
Will You Live to 120? (6-8/00)
Scientific American explores "The Quest to Beat Aging" looking at
bionic organs and Mulecular Fountains of Youth.
and Breast Cancer (6/00)
magazine devotes 7 pages with a nice write-up to make people aware of
the fact that over 300 men will die of breast cancer this year. And,
while twice as many will die of testicular cancer, and 133 times that
number will die of prostate cancer, at least it's some recognition of
a men's health issue. Some of the numbers are: "Five-year
survival rate for men with breast cancer with no
metastasis: 90%. When spread to regional lymph nodes: 75%.
With distant spread: 20%." And, here's the BIG ONE.
"Relative delay in diagnosis of men versus women: 18 months."
Pennsylvania & Alaska Legislate Sex Discrimination
Did you know that there are over 1,250 health clubs in the U.S. that
cater solely to women or offer a women-only workout area and no
public clubs that offer the same services for men only that we could
find. Nautilus is one of the leaders in this movement for women's
only clubs. And, according to the International Health, Racquet and
Sportsclub Association, the number of women's only health clubs is on
the rise. This isn't a surprise to us. We've written about this for
years, how discrimination is used supposedly to eliminate
discrimination. In a CNN story by Suzanne Schlosberg,
Alaska, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania legislatures have voted to
protect single-sex clubs (translate women only clubs). Some of the
reasons for such clubs is that, while some women enjoy the attention
from men, others feel self-conscious exercising in a coed
environment. I personally resigned my membership at the Amador Health
Club in Dublin, CA for that very reason and haven't returned to any
health club since. I would if I didn't have to show my flab to women,
but that doesn't look like a possibility because I'm a man.
The National Organization for Women (NOW) actually lobbied hard
against single-sex registration in Massachusetts but more from a
political stance not wanting to take the chance we might return to
segregating golf clubs and other sports venues. "Our objection is to
passing a law that permits discrimination," said their president
Andrea Mullin. But, alas, discrimination continues in the north, and
it's been specifically legalized in Alaska, Massachusetts and
Pennsylvania. So, we as a society can continue to teach our children
that discrimination is okay, as in so many other legal situations, if
it's against men.
Bobby Knight - How Contrite - Good Night!
What do Knight, Spreewell, Tyson, Davis, Ditka and the recent U.S.
Olympic (Pro) Hockey Team, to name just a few, have in common. They
are all out-of-control and want us to accept that that's just the way
it is. Too harsh? I think not. On Mother's Day, when many
metro newspapers were doing page 5 and page 9 stories on "Violence in
Youth Sports Spreading", "Foul Play in Youth Sports", and "Violence
in Sports Spreading in Youth Ranks," in addition to all the stories
on the Million Mom March, our white-haired darling Bobby Boy got
Front Sports Page mention in all of these metro papers and then
some. You can't pay PR firms to get this kind of coverage,
so could it be the alumni association flexing their muscle or sports
writers coming to his defense (James Prichard of the AP was the
BK positive author of most of them)? I wonder. Here's
a man who is reported to have grabbed former player Neil Reed by the
throat, attacked a former assistant last November, attacked an SID,
throwing a vase at a wall when he couldn't get his way with an IU
secretary, firing a starter's pistol at a reporter, shooting a friend
in a hunting incident and hot reporting it, throwing an LSU fan in a
dumpster, fighting in a parking lot with a diner who took exception
to a too-loud racial characterization by Knight, hitting a Puerto
Rican policeman during the Pan Am Games, kicking his own son during a
game, and spending a lifetime in smelly gyms bullying other people's
children. A man who once said "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy
it." Who put a tampon in a player's locker to motivate him. The
record seems to stand on its own. Men end up in prison for less than
what he's done, though he did get 6 months for the Puerto Rico
incidence, which has yet to be served. I guess it doesn't matter if
you're in Indiana and you win basketball games, though let the record
also show he hasn't won a national championship in 13 years
In his 330 word statement he said he was "trying" to control his
emotions. Emotions are okay, in fact encouraged. He needs to
understand the difference between emotions and control his otherwise
out-of-control behavior. He said he needed to be more diplomatic.
What he needs is 26-52 weeks in an alternatives to violence program.
And, he needs to stop "trying" to do it and "Do it". Coaches
strangling players. Players strangling coaches. Maybe we should just
turn off the TV and wait until these athletes can get it together, if
they want to, and then see if we can enjoy sharing a basketball with
our kids again, sans Bobby Knight.
Woman Complains of 50 Hour Work Week
Have you ever seen a major newspaper devote the majority of Page 1 of
the Sunday Business section to a white collar man complaining about
working too many hours. Especially one who hasn't been out of law
school for much more than a year and is pulling down over 6 figures.
Well, that's the coverage the Denver Post gave three
second-year associate women 25-27 and one first-year male associate
31. I almost shed a tear for the poor things. But, then I though of
all the others in law, cab drivers, doctors, ad execs, truck drivers,
firemen, etc. who would welcome such a short week. And, all of the
(mostly) men who are on call 24 hours a day to handle what we can't
or don't want to. It's not uncommon for many white collar industries
to bleed the life out of people to get as much as they can as quick
as they can. When 1/3 of men over 55 are unemployable because they
haven't been able to find work and their unemployment payments have
run out.) When the average CEO works 59 hours a week.
When men are still seen as having primary responsibility for the
financial needs of the family, no matter how many jobs or hours it
takes. I decided I didn't want to waste the Kleenex and turned the
page. Hopefully, this will help equal out some of the 79 cent
disparage between what male doctors with years of education and
experience make versus female receptionists with neither. Hopefully,
other women who want to narrow this gap will start doing the
dangerous and risky jobs that take men's lives but pay well. (See
related story from London below.)
Long Hours Get the Boot (5/14/00)
The Independent from London also had a story about Long Hours.
It took a bit of a different twist and was based on what a number of
companies in Europe are doing to insure that their employees have a
work-life balanced week in an effort to curb workaholics. Some
corporations are launching an attack on presenteeism and a complete
overhaul of its working practices. They haven't gone as far as Armand
Hammer, who was notorious for firing employees if they were found in
the office after hours. But they have warned their staffs that
consistent overtime will now be discouraged. Of course, Britain has
long been known for a country of workaholics. In a 1999 Quality of
Work/Life survey, it found that 10% of British managers work more
than 61 hours a week. Across the channel in France, many of their
companies are moving to a four-day week and all workers in Holland
now have the chance to renegotiate full-time jobs on a part-time
basis. Note: If you know of ANY companies in the U.S.
that are heading in this direction, we'd like to know at
Rise and Fall of the Traditional
Breadwinner (5/14/00)
In a week that could be described as a requiem for the traditional
male breadwinner - the man who invests his all in a lifetime job,
frequently at the price of his own health, to bring a regular wage
home to the wife and children. First came the announcement that
despite the Phoenix deal to buy Rover from BMW, 1,000 jobs would be
lost. Then, three days later, 8,000 Ford workers at Dagenham received
details of the voluntary redundancy package on offer - at least 2,000
jobs are to go at the plant, ending seven decades of car production.
Many of these men were once clear about their role as breadwinner. A
survey of 27 countries published last week indicated that only 36% of
Britons enjoy their job (Denmark was on top with 62%, with the U.S.
somewhere in between). Add to this that 200 jobs are lost a day and
the length of time spent commuting, which is increasing, allows
little leeway for family life. In 1997 a MORI poll of full-time
workers revealed that more than half were concerned over the amount
of time stolen from their families by work - a concern expressed by
more men than women. Last month, Mintel published a paper for which
more than 1,700 men and women were interviewed. Over a quarter of
fathers with children under five said they would like to work fewer
hours, even if it meant a pay cut, and reduced career prospects. And,
where previously men had said that work was an important source of
companionship, now only one in four claimed this to be the case. Is
the traditional breadwinner transforming into the advocate of the
family-friendly workplace which allows dad to take on his share of
child rearing, chickenpox and sports days? And encourages, and pays
women to increase their responsibility as bread winners. Let's hope
Brothel Battles (5/14/00)
On a lighter note, it is reported that Sydney, ASL's 400 legal
brothels are trying to outdo each other in getting ready for the
Games. No gimmick is going untested. An establishment called the
Tokyo House offers what it calls its "Olympic
Special." Naturally, it has to do with sushi served in the raw,
and the rest, you don't want to know.
Thousands of Women Walked a Marathon in
Their Bras (5/14/00)
Wonderbra model Adriana Sklenarikova (right) and the new face of
Wonderbra Bliss, Michell Ray, lend their, et, support to the Playtex
Moonwalk in central London, sponsored by the firm to increase
awareness of breast cancer and raise money for research. They still
can't beat the bicycle parade at Burning Man.
magazine reports that researchers are reexamining the risks
associated with oral sex. The transmissibility of HIV through
cunnilingus or fellatio has been a focus of concern since the early
days. In an era when sexual activity can be a life-threatening
activity, it is important that individuals take the time to
understand what is known about the risk factors associated with oral
Prostate Cancer - What the choices are and
how they can affect your life (5/22/00)
A story in this issue of U.S. News & World Report
talks about the dilemmas that early detection of prostate cancer
brings with it a blessing and a burden, forcing more and younger men
to weigh the difficult treatment options. (Editor: Has the
medical community stepped out of the fight as incident rates and
deaths of men continue increasing?)
Michael's Fight: New hope in the war
against Parkinson's Disease (5/22/00)
A Newsweek cover story of Michael's Battle - waging a war with
candor and energy, Michael J. Fox is shining a fresh light on
Parkinson's disease. His battle, and the explosion of new medical
research that's giving new hope to the million Americans who suffer
from the deadly brain affliction. And, while the majority of the
story is around affairs, the magazine reports on New York Mayor Rudy
Giuliani's fight with the same prostate cancer that killed his
A Call for a Boycott of
all Simon & Schuster Products (4/27/00)
Simon & Schuster Interactive has a new CD-ROM called
Panty Raider. We have been unable to speak to a human but
left several messages (see contacts below). We were able to confirm
the following from their website,
. At
we learned it is planned for May, 2000 and the ISBN is 0-743-50293-0.
it said, and we quote "Three crazed aliens arrive from a planet far,
far away. Their mission: get photos of specific supermodels in
specific lingerie. Yes! It's Panty Raider and you play Nelson,
the mild mannered Earthling who must fulfill the alien's mission --
or they will destroy planet Earth!" We left our feedback at
Then, the big find. Here are direct quotes from Simon
& Schuster Interactive: "Save earth with supermodel's
panties...Gamers will Seek Out Supermodels to Strip Them Down to
Their Bra and Panties...aliens telling Nelson which girls, wearing
what underwear he will need to photograph for that
mission..." We can use "Use cheesy pickup lines to lure
models out of the woods...X-Ray glasses...allowing the player to see
what kind of underwear each girl is wearing, before they go through
the process of undressing her...The secret substance that is thrown
at the models and mysteriously removes their clothing...Lures - Items
such as tiny mints (lunch!) and credit cards. No self-respecting
supermodel can resist these items." If you want more, go
From making fun of anorexia to objectifying girls to assuming that
boys just want titillation from computer games, Panty Raider
is a disgrace.
- Anorexia KILLS people, and holds painfully long years of
recovery for those girls and women who do survive.
- It's no more suited for joking than cancer.
- It promotes the stereotype that the ideal girls are obsessed
with shopping and appearance. We have daughters and we know
- We are offended when our daughters are repeatedly subjected to
the destructive stereotypes disseminated by games like Panty
DADs executive director Joe Kelly added that the game is also
offensive to fathers of sons. "We don't see the humor or fun in
glorifying what Panty Raider calls 'hormone driven anger' in
boys, especially after tragedies like the Columbine shootings. We are
offended when our sons are repeatedly subjected to the destructive
stereotypes of boys objectifying females, placing titillation above
all else, and using violence or its threat to get their way."
Where does it stop? S&S Interacative is also
the proud distributors of Last Call which teaches kids how to
mix drinks and get all their friends drunk. Some fun, eh?
Action You Can Take
- Complain to the Entertainment Software Review Board who is responsible
for rating this video. We could not find a rating for Pantry
Raider in our search of their site, so it might not be too late.
Their email is
- Contact Simon & Schuster and let them know
what you think.
- Snail Mail: Simon & Schuster Interactive, 1230
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY10020
- Voice-Mail for Interactive at 212.632.3544
- Voice Mail for Simon & Schuster at
- Stop Buying All Simon & Schuster Interactive
a division of Viacom and producers of dozens of CD Rom games
in the entertainment and education categories including numerous
critically-acclaimed children's software titles.
- Stop Buying books published by Free Press, Fireside,
Pocket Books, Scribner, and Touchstone, all under the Simon
& Schuster banner, plus Simon & Schuster Trade
Publishing, Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, Simon
& Schuster New Media, Simon & Schuster Online, Simon &
Schuster U.K., and Simon & Schuster Australia.
- Know an Author? If you know an author who
publishing under one of the above banners, ask them to write their
publisher and complain.
- Local Booksellers - Insure that they don't promote this
- Your Can Support Their Right to Free Speech but if you
do, at least hold them responsible for the lessons they are
teaching our children.
- A Violence Tax: People pay extra to
enjoy some freedoms. Cigarettes and alcohol have special taxes to
pay for the outcome on society of those life styles.
S&S plans to sell Panty Raider for $19.95. Why not
charge a Violence Tax on video's, films, etc. that support or
promote violence. After all, society, women, children and men
suffer at great cost from the results that these ventures promote.
Don't eliminate the freedom to purchase - just make it really
Thanks to Joe Kelly of Dads and Daughters for the heads-up
on this. You can read the full letter Dads and Daughters wrote
to Simon & Schuster Interactive at
click here or call 1-888-824-DADS (Homepage).
A Thought from the Sinking Titanic
Similar to our Daily Thoughts, every morning I receive a
Positive Thought for the Day from the people at
Since April 15th (1912) was the anniversary of the sinking of the
Titanic, I thought today's message was most appropriate as an example
of a Real Man.
"I am willing to remain and play the mans game if there are
not enough boats for more than the women and children
. Tell my
wife I played the game straight out and to the end. No woman shall be
left aboard this ship because Ben Guggenheim is a coward." - Final
words of Benjamin Guggenheim, millionaire traveler aboard the
ill-fated Titanic. As the boat began to sink Guggenheim changed into
formal dress and calmly faced death.
If you like, you can subscribe to their Thought for the Day at
It Never Hurts to Ask (4/4/00)
It's not an unusual experience to go to a category listing somewhere
and see a category for women. Then look for men and there are no
services listed anywhere. With 182 version's and titles of Chicken
Soup for the Soul, etc., not one for men or fathers. Several
search engines list just about every category but men. In Chase's
gigantic Events of 2000, there are 90 celebrations this year
for women, two of which have presidential proclamations, only two
events list for men, and one of those is sponsored by women called
"National Men Make Dinner Day" on November 2. No presidential
proclamations. Not even a Prostate Cancer Awareness Day while women
have a whole month and presidential proclamation for breast cancer.
So, I wasn't surprised to find the same thing happening with the
non-profit organization "Volunteer Match" which has an on-line
service to help match people interested in doing something with
non-profits needing stuff done. Both of our organizations will be
promoting National Volunteer Week April 9-15. So, being interested in
men, I sent them an email today. It read: "No men. Like many
informational opportunities, there is usually a separate category for
women and seldom one for men. Please break the trend. Men need as
much help and find it difficult to ask. Then when they aren't
included, it tends to increase their isolation. Our mission, since
1982 is to end men's isolation. Please add the category of "men" to
your list." Surprise. This afternoon I received the following
answer: "Thank you for your email. We appreciate your
feedback as a user and will take your suggestion into consideration.
Our site is currently undergoing restructuring and unfortunately we
are not able to add any categories or make other changes for another
month or two. Being a nonprofit, VolunteerMatch is unfortunately
limited in resources, which makes it difficult to address our
nonprofit member's requests immediately. We do take our user's
suggestions seriously. We will make a general announcement in our
monthly newsletter as soon as our categories have been revamped.
Thank you." We hope they make the change but at least we got a
response that was more than a form letter. Even if they don't have a
listing for "Men", it's a good place for a non-profit men's
organization to post a listing for volunteers and a good place to get
volunteers. Maybe if enough of us sign up, and request a men's
listing, they'll see that there is a need to be filled and fill it.
A click here will take you to their
search engine at the bottom of this page. Check them out. It's quite
a service. And, you too, can make a difference!
Objectification (2/00)
The ad under the "Lenny" icon ran in Bikini magazine,
which isn't what you think if you haven't read an issue. It was
sponsored by the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women. If
you can't read the "headline" in red just below the woman's hemline,
it reads "This is not an invitation to rape me." We agree
100%. We also agree that women have the right to wear what
they like. And, we have two concerns. That regardless of those
rights, we don't seem to be teaching our daughters either about
objectification or about the potential danger of high-risk behaviors.
While this high-risk behavior isn't an invitation to rape, it remains
a high-risk behavior in a culture that is afraid of sex so uses
seduction, evocative clothing, and suggestive behaviors as part of
everyday living. And, it's not uncommon for the press to snap movie
stars and models coyly revealing bare breasts, nipples and vulvas in
public. It seems curious that organizations like NOW attack men for
looking and pay little or no attention to the other side of
objectification - one that is encouraged constantly through hundreds
of pictures and stories published in women's magazines, run on
sitcoms, soap operas and talk shows that basically encourage both
behaviors. Men objectifying women's bodies and women wearing the
clothing, V-neck, push-up bras (Wonder, shelf, soft cups, floating
underwire, fixed underwire and the list goes on) to give men
something extra to objectify. In France, bare breasts in television
commercials are quite common. In India, millions of men walk around
totally nude and no-one hides their children's eyes. Yet here, in
this great country founded on freedom, we are filled with laws to
control individuals from being free. Being dishonest about sex.
Teaching seduction and forgetting about intimacy. I've worked with
many women in the advertising business. Smart, skilled and often
attractive women, who gave me their mind as a major consideration. I
don't display my body. I expect to be seen for my mind. Don't display
yours and I will return the favor. Sidebar: The original
campaign was created by a man back in the mid 90s. Trevor Beatty of
TBWA, London, who brought you all those sexy "Hello Boy's" Wonderbra
ads, started the campaign to counter the myth that only women in
short skirts get raped and to "raise awareness about what constitutes
a rape, what constitutes a rapist, and what constitutes a rape
victim." Here are some of the more intriguing situations beyond the
obvious that is portrayed above. A kiss, a wedding, a elderly
woman with a cane and a woman giving a man her phone number. Each one
has the same tag line, "this is not an invitation to rape me." It's
interesting that woman's groups in England had reservations or were
just downright hostile about it. Back then, Jane Wright of Victim
Support Scheme in Somerset said that while the campaign may encourage
more women to come forward, it's naive to think that it will change
male attitudes. And Ann Mayne of the Campaign Against Pornography
appeared on national television attacking Beatty and the posters even
before they hit the streets. So, it's interesting that five years
later, the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women is using
it. How times change.
You've Gotta See This! 
The two magazines above on the left rolled by next to each other at
check out and I see what you see. Jennifer Lopez pointing a finger at
you with the headline "Line of Fire", and Newsweek's cover on a 6
year old boy killing his classmate. When I get home, I had also
purchased Psychology Today for an article on stress but the woman on
the cover looks more angry to me. Five years ago we wouldn't have
seen an angry woman on the cover of a respected publication. And, if
you read the story on the six-year-old shooter, the reason he wanted
to scare her is that she hit him. Ask any teenage boy if he's ever
been hit or slapped by a girl. I wouldn't be surprised if it well
surpasses the number of teenage girls slapped or hit by boys. In
saying that, it doesn't excuse anyone to act out revenge on someone
else. everyone must take responsibility for their own violence and
not point the figure somewhere else. Hitting and slapping are
physical violence and it shouldn't matter which sex is doing it. And
this culture glorifying women using physical violence against men,
who they know can't do anything about it without a felony charge. TV
is full of examples that women are giving young girls and their
daughters. "He deserved it" is not longer a valid excuse. It's still
battery. If doesn't deserve a violent act in return, but it should
expect the batterer to be punished. If this gets across to the kids,
maybe some real progress can be made in making this world safe for
children. When everyone takes responsibility for their own violence
and gets help. And, hopefully, the gun manufacturers will introduce
some of the measures they have been testing before the people get
angry enough to put them out of business all together. Some
things parents can do.
Surprise! Ms. Does a Father
Positive Story (2-3/00)
I could believe it. They did a story, though only 2/3 of a page, on
Dawn Riley, the captain and CEO of the American True syndicate in. In
1995 she captained the first all-women America's Cup team and the
current America's Cup competition has 11 multimillion-dollar boats
competing. They were in third place the the time the article was
written. Her dad, it seems, took all the family savings in 1977 and
took his family sailing. Her mother basically said sailboat racing is
a man's world so don't go dreaming something that you can't do. Maybe
that was part of the impetus, the article doesn't say. It does say
she echoed her father and great-grandfathers "I've never met a crisis
I didn't warm to. And later, "following in her father's footsteps,
she put her own life savings into her boat, gathered a crew of women
and men, and took to the sea. Who says fathers can't be an important
example to their kids? They also report that the 1999 Women's Soccer
World Cup edged out the NBA finals by 390,000 households.
Thanks, MS. Minor confusion where, either I don't get it or
they need a calculator. Maybe they aren't tell the whole story. They
quote a piece from Reuters that 38% of teen girls believe their
husbands will stay home with the kids while 51% of teen boys think
they will have a wife who stays home. However, that leaves 49% of the
boys believing their wives won't stay home. Sounds pretty encouraging
to me. Also, it doesn't add up. Their cover price is $5.95. They
print 6 issues a year, that's $35.70 at the newsstand. But, if you
"Subscribe Today!", you'll save $10. The subscription price - $35.
Looks to me like I only say 70 cents. I'm probably missing something,
or they are.
II Girlz: The vanishing American male (2/00)
That's the cover of Chronicles: A magazine of American
culture. There are three articles: It's a Girl's, Girl's,
Girl's, Girl's World, Unisex Multiplex: When Felix met
Oscar and G.I. Jane: I love a gal in a uniform,
plus a commentary called Everything is Jake: The unmanned
American and a poem called The New Equality, are included
in this issue.
Gay Today (3/20/00)
The 3/20/00 issue of Newsweek does a special report called Gay
Today: How the battle for acceptance has moved to school,
churches, marriage & the workplace.
Stance is a
very interesting magazine. Directed to the teens/twenties, active
youth, it learns heavily on activities like surfing, skate and snow
boarding boarding. Got Milk advertises, plus a lot of pricey items
are talked about: $1,700 in-dash CD players, $370 watches, $1000
digital cameras, $700 cell phones and the like. The premiere issue
has several interesting things in it and this one,
"Roxy: Between a Roxy and a hard place" was about surfer women.
Yes, they were in skimpy wear - and that's what the young women wear.
Yes it said "Girls" and that culture refers to "girls" and "guys" and
hasn't gotten hung up on "women" and "men" - sounds to ancient. What
we really like was the way they talked about surfer women. To
quote: "We never thought we'd be saying it, but we like the word
"wholesome". Are we admitting to liking "wholesome"
girls? That's right...They capture everything that's hot
about girls without leaning toward being "dirty."...Made the Roxy
surfers synonymous with a Southern California definition of pretty
that needs no touching up, no makeup. It's anti-glamour...They're
unpretentious." We like that too. This is a far cry from
the messages that most teen and women's magazines are giving young
women - with loads of "Tricking/seducing your man" type articles and
promoting the need to wear a lot of make-up, to be pretentious In
fact, there is a whole magazine, 98 pages, called Britney
Spears doing just that. Thumbs up - we prefer your
Surfer Skirts (4/00)
Again, the new Stance magazine takes a stance with the heading
"Scottish Surfers are Cool." talking about LungiMan's Surfkilt. No
homophobia here.
Reports - "Lesbians Increase Violence Against Men in San Francisco"
We received a "press release" in the mail from an anonymous source.
It talked about
"bomb threats...sprayed in front of several male and mixed venues
in San Francisco by a lesbian hate group. As late as November, 1999,
the bomb threats showed lighted bombs ready to explode and 'Lesbian
Avengers' as the source. These bomb threats and other lesbian
graffiti appeared in front of Starbucks (formerly Pasqua) on 18th
near Castro Street, the restored and historic Castro Theater, and
other locations popular with males. 'Dyke space' graffiti also were
sprayed in several locations."
They gave four sources of information and to date we have been
able to talk to three of the sources and the only verification we
have been able to make is that there is a group called Lesbian
Avengers in San Francisco, they do spray graffiti, and that their
logo includes a bomb. There is no substantiation for other claims
that they made any bomb threats, nor called for "death to maleness"
or urged the "castration of all males" as the release goes on to say,
either through graffiti or their speeches at the "Dyke March" in June
of 1999. It went on to say that reports had been released by a San
Francisco commission stating that "1 out of 3 lesbians have been
sexually assaulted by another woman." That cannot be
substantiate either. Furthermore, we can't find any resource that can
substantiate an advertising campaign to reach out to "women raped by
other women." We can substantiate a campaign, run in early 1999 to
all women, including lesbians, that support services were available
for those who are victims of domestic violence. The press release
went on to claim, without support, that the "Dirty Dyke" group and
NOW members who support and organize the parade regularly spray
graffiti on "male turf".
The release also made a claim that "The FBI made no comment about
investigating "female supremacist" groups." Why would
they? That isn't their charter under the law. The release
claimed that "the parade carries signs urging death to maleness and
hate speech against men." We reviewed the Pride
Divide video that they talked about and sw no such sign. We have
confirmed that it is scheduled to aired on KQED-TV, San Francisco in
late June, 2000.
While we know that many women and men carry the same cultural
traits that cause them to lean toward hate, violence and revenge, and
we have confirmed some of the information about the Lesbian Avengers,
as stated above, this kind of unsubstantiated information that many
women and men's groups knowingly release to elicit public support, is
wrong. We hold up the Lesbian Avengers as an example of what some
women do, and we hold up the same for the person who mailed us this
release (whether a gay, lesbian or het). Until the information can be
substantiated, it remains that unidentified person's opinion. The
reason we have it here is so that other's who may see this and have
seen the press release or the publication of the press release, or
heard rumors, would have a better position in which to make a
decision or take their own personal action.
Chicks Get Away the Murder and Got a Grammy for It in 1999 and Video
of the Year in 2001
I used to like these street urchins who made the transition from
working the streets to major winners in the Academy of Country Music
Awards (3 in 2001 and 8 since 1999). So, this is not about their song
"I can't live without you. Without you I'm not okay. Without you I've
lost my way." Most recording artists have a few dysfunctional songs
in their repertoire.
No, this is about another song "Goodbye Earl", an upbeat song that
makes premeditated murder fun. Whether for guilt or legal reasons,
they even made this statement in the liner notes, though the size
type and colors they used makes it almost impossible to read. "The
Dixie Chicks do not advocate premeditated murder, but love getting
even." But this song is about premeditated murder and disposing of
the body. And, about having fun doing it. Wanda sings, "Earl's gotta
die. We need a break. We'll go to the lake. Plan a lunch, and stuff
you in the trunk. Well is that all right, good let's go for a ride."
And, "Ain't it dark, wrapped up in that tarp?" And, "A missing person
nobody missed at all."
Now, Earl wasn't innocent. He has a violent husband after two
weeks of marriage. But, if everyone used the excuse that "my only
option was premeditated murder", vigilantism would be queen.
I've been amazed at the number of "conscious" women, wives and
mothers I know, who really get a kick out of this song. But, let a
water gun in the house and watch out.
I won't hold my breath waiting for any woman to stand up against
this song, much less the shelter movement or the women's movement. In
fact, it may become their theme song. Because it gives new impetus to
the use of the Abused Wife Syndrome as a defense for premeditated
murder. Nor do I expect to see a single newspaper editorial, or talk
show, much less any of the major news programs to devote a single
sound byte to this subject. Yet, television shows are filled with
segments of girl's/women hitting, slapping, and punching boy friends
just because of something they said. That kind of violence from a
woman to a man seems okay. It must improve the ratings, too, because
many of the shows use those segments in their promos. Is this what we
want to teach our children, especially our daughters? First, if you
don't like what a man says, go ahead and slug him. He deserves it.
And, after all, he can't do anything about it. If he even tries to
restrain you while you're hitting him, you can charge him with a
felony in many states. "That'll show those men." And don't dare go to
sleep or we'll really get even with scissors (remember the tremendous
support Loraina got from the women's movement?) or a knife or a gun.
As reports confirm, our daughters are getting more violent. Is this
kind of "revenge" working to end violence? Does it make guys like
Earl afraid or make them even want to change their behavior? I
haven't seen anything to support that theory.
Don't get us wrong. Husbands who abuse their wives or children
should go to prison. Wives who abuse their husbands or children
should go to prison. (And get a sentence with equal severity.) Boys
who hit their girl friends, should go to juvey. Girls who hit their
boy friends, should go to juvey. (And get a sentence with equal
severity.) Husbands who sexually abuse their children, should go to
prison. Wives who falsely charge their husbands, should at least have
their children removed from their house for severe child abuse.
Just "Getting' even." Would you say fair is fair if the next man
you hit hit you back with the same or less intensity? Just "Getting'
Even." How about the next time you point your finger at him and
belittle him in front of the children calling him a lazy good for
nothin' for watching some sports over the weekend. That's verbal and
domestic abuse if a man belittles his wife like that. Would Tom
Lehrer's ditty "I hold your hand in mine, dear" be appropriate here?
(Side bar: Little does he know that you spent considerably more time
in front of the tv everyday during the week watching your favorite
soap operas and talk shows.) What about falsely charging your former
husband with sexually abusing his children. What kind of a mother
does that - a pretty sick one I'd say and not the best one to be
raising children. Yet, she can knowingly falsely accuse him, multiple
times, and yet in most states, there's no recourse to stop her.
Sounds like a perfect time for AHS (Abused Husband Syndrome). Gettin'
even is what it's all about. Ain't that right, Wanda?
This reminds me of the movie about two powerless women going on a
shooting spree "Gettin' even" with men. But, leaving a trail of
violence only to commit suicide by driving over a cliff holding
hands, I fail to see the power in that. Hundreds of witches holding
hands and jumping off cliffs during the inquisition, now that was
The Dixie Chicks have their own web site
but unfortunately no way to email them. Their new album is called
Fly (see 1. above), and ostensibly it's about "having more
confidence and ability to soar and fly." Their homepage opens on a
pair of guys Levi's jeans with the line "Unzip to Fly". Move your
curser to the zipper fly and an enlarged hand with pointing finger
comes up. Click on the fly and the Dixie Chicks emerge out of the
guys pants (see "2" above). The connection is confusing. It's also an
interesting concept considering the majority of their fans (at least
on their "fans" page) are adolescents or younger girls. They also
talk about how empowering all their songs on the new album are. They
specifically talk about "Goodbye Earl" but don't mention "Without
You." I wonder why?
At least the Dixie Chicks are obvious about their hate, though
they're not willing to take responsibility for it. Unfortunately, the
psychic message that we are left with is revenge and that never
leaves one at peace. Like you, we want Earl off the streets as
quickly as possible and not enough is being done, from our
perspective, to stop violent men and violent women from being
violent. Encouraging "revenge," however, isn't empowering, even in a
fantasy. Let's use the time and money we would use supporting the
Dixie Chicks to find a better way?
"Little Ms Muffet
Sat on a Tuffet
Planning ways to kill Earl
Such a sweet little girl!"
"Mothers Are Not Essential in Raising Children"
American Psychologist, The Journal of the American
Psychological Association, June, 1999. We reported on this finding
last year but hadn't seen the actual 11 page article. We ask that you
read the following through to the end before having any conversations
about it, writing any letters, or quoting. And, if you want to do any
political work around it, you should get your own copy from the APA,
ISBN 0003-066X for $20 including shipping.
Quoted from the article: "Neoconservative social scientists have
claimed that mothers are essential to positive child development and
that responsible mothering is most likely to occur within the context
of heterosexual marriage. This perspective is generating a range of
governmental initiatives designed to provide social support
preferences to mothers over fathers and to heterosexual married
couples over alternative family forms. The authors propose that the
neoconservative position is an incorrect or oversimplified
interpretation of empirical research. Using a wide range of
cross-species, cross-cultural and social science research, the
authors (Louise B. Silverstein and Carl F. Auerbach, Yeshiva
University - wherever that is) argue that neither mothers nor fathers
are essential to child development and that responsible mothering can
occur within a variety of family structures. The authors conclude
with alternative recommendations for encouraging responsible
mothering that do not discriminate against fathers and diverse family
forms." And, we go on.
"In the past two decades, there has been an explosion of research
on mothers. There is now a broad consensus that mothers are important
contributors to both normal and abnormal child outcomes. Infants and
toddlers can be as attached to mothers as they are to fathers. In
addition, even when mothers are not physically present, they may play
an important role in their children's psychological lives. Other
important issues about mothers and families remain
controversial...Our data on lesbian couples have convinced us that
neither a mother nor a father is essential. Similarly, our research
with divorced, never-married and remarried mothers has taught us that
a wide variety of family structures can support positive child
outcomes. We have concluded that children need at least one
responsible, caretaking adult who has a positive emotional connection
to them and with whom they have a consistent relationship. Because of
the emotional and practical stress involved in child rearing, a
family structure that includes more than one such adult is more
likely to contribute to positive child outcomes. Neither the sex of
the adult(s) nor the biological relationship to the child has emerged
as a significant variable in predicting positive development. One,
none or both of those adults could be a mother (or father). We have
found that the stability of the emotional connection and the
predictability of the caretaking relationship are the significant
variables that predict positive child development....They found very
few significant differences in the ways that fathers and mothers
treated girls and boys and concluded that 'very little about the
gender of the parents seems to be distinctly important...Taken as a
whole, the empirical research does not support the idea that mothers
make a unique and essential contribution to child development."
"Social policy is needed that removes the impediments to paternal
involvement for never-married and divorced fathers. Rather than
privileging the institution of heterosexual marriage at the expense
of other family structures, it is essential to strengthen the
father-child bond within all family contexts, especially nonmarital
Editorial comments: Their conclusion from reviewing 1 1/2 pages of
references in the article, is that neither birth parent is
"essential" to the raising of healthy, responsible children. Two
responsible parents are a preference, but it doesn't need to be in
the context of marriage and neither one need be the birth parent. I
think anyone who reads the published article will agree that this is
what they are saying. So, since neither the father nor the mother are
essential to the healthy development of a child, I left the third
paragraph as written and took the title and the first two paragraphs
of the article and used the word mother when they said father, and
father when they said mother. If their research and findings are
correct, then why would it matter. Our culture has long held a
preference for "the essential mother" and hasn't seen the "essential
father" even as a remote concern. If that were not the case, our
custody laws would be drastically different and not automatically say
that physical custody should go to the mother. This article would
seem to say there should be no preference based on the sex of the
parent. Therefore, all of these stay-at-home dads that I know who
have been raising their kids, shouldn't get them taken away if there
is a divorce. And, dysfunctional mothers shouldn't have priority
either, which they do now. I'm sorry for misleading you. It just
seemed that what they were saying was that the sex or the marital
status didn't matter, but were afraid to say, outright, that the
mother wasn't essential. While the article makes that claim, it is
structured with the focus on bunking the research on "essential
father" to lessen the reaction about the lack of importance of the
mother. If they aren't pushing a political agenda to maintain the
position of the "non-essential mother" as the "essential mother" and
more important than the "non-essential father" in government, state
and local programs, then hopefully, they will rewrite the article,
putting equal emphasis on the lack of importance of the "essential
mother" so that therapists around the world, particularly MFCC's,
won't take the information at a glance and negatively impact their
work with families. If you have comments, I can be reached at One of
the authors, Louise B. Silverstein, can be reached at 99 Clinton
Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, or
Footnote: It is curious why, out of the 64 references they give in
the article, Sara McLanahan, a Professor of Sociology at Princeton
University, 10 year study was not included. Probably because it
showed that a child living with the custodial mother, regardless of
social class, economics, background, race, or sex, has a 2 to 3 times
greater risk of dropping out of high school, having a lower grade
point average, have school attendance problems, trouble finding a
job, be a teen mother/have a child outside of marriage, and more
likely to divorce if they do get married. It's surely not hidden data
since PBS's Frontline air a program based on the information
called The Vanishing Father. Maybe they had a press deadline
or their tenure was in jeopardy if they didn't get published.
Inquiring minds want to know.
& Rage: The truth about violence
The 11-12/99 issue of Psychology Today looks at women's
violence, finally. Check it out! "Violence by women has skyrocketed
in the latter part of this century. Have they taken 'women's
liberation' one step too far - or are they just showing their natural
killer instinct?" This isn't new news to many of those who have
worked with men's issues over the years, but this may bring much
needed awareness to those in "Family" Services and many of the
Alternatives to Violence programs solely focused on women as victims
and men as perpetrators. We have listed all of the programs we could
find that provide services for women perpetrators and male victims
and well as male perpetrators (Alttoviolence).
Hopefully, local, county and state services and organizations will be
started in the rest of the country to serve the entire spectrum of
violent people, regardless of their sex. NOTE: If you are
a male victim, refer to important
information you should know.
DHMO Legislation
Excludes Men
Unconfirmed reports say the effective January 1, 2000, the
nations HMOs and MCOs are expected to comply with new standards
for sex-specific services. These are the standards for womens
1. Breast cancer screening
2. Cervical cancer screening
3. Chlamydia screening in women
4. Prenatal care in the first trimester
5. Check-ups after delivery
6. Initiation of prenatal care
7. Frequency of ongoing prenatal care
8. Discharge and average length of stay - maternity care
9. Cesarean section
10. Vaginal birth after delivery
11. Management of menopause
12. Weeks of pregnancy at time of enrollment
These are the standards for mens health:
0. No, thats not a typographic error, as we understand it.
There are 12 standards for womens health, and none for
mens health.
Act now. Complain to your local HMO, elected representative,
whomever. Because people care about your life.
Anatomy of a Talk Show
While going through my files on the men's movement, I ran across a
folder that brought back a lot of memories. It one of the few shows
Donahue did where men actually got to talk a bit. The date, February
19, 1986. The show "Men, Sex & Power" from a workshop
that Justine Sterling created. In fact, a number of the men in the
audience had taken that program, and gave their gorilla growls (sort
of like Tim does on "Home Improvement") The show featured five men on
the stage and two plants in the audience. Donahue walked around the
audience making statements and asking questions. In his hand were
typed reference notes prepared by his producers. One page had a
paragraph on each man on stage: name, what he does for work,
marital and children status, and a few words taken from phone
interviews (1). A second sheet has information on the two plants in
the audience (3) and statements that they made that Donahue goes off
on later in the show. Next, he's got a full page on each one of the
five guests. Some of them note statements the men made that the staff
knows will get negative audience reaction. They are usually in bold
type. Leonard Goldstein (6), Tom Kelley (5), Tony Smith (9), Stuart
Blaustein (8) who calls himself a male feminist and Ken Druck (2),
who wrote The Secrets
Men Keep. Another sheet lists what was to come up during the show
on the Chiron (4) and another about tape insert of Goldie Hawn, which
one of the men talked about in his interview, with in and out lines
from the 1:04 minute tape (7). It even included "group applause"
typed in at the end. I wish I still had the tape of the show. I think
I sent it to Michigan State University which has a large Changing Men
collection in its campus library. I remember three major things about
this show. On the notes about Ken Druck, near the bottom a reminder
to Donahue "Don't forget to talk about the BEER DRINKING..."
It's a way to become just one of the boys"...And you certainly know
what all that leads to. with a big underline here. which was
Donahue's cue to do his drunk impression "Honey I'm home." which
looked like it came from personal experience more than role-playing.
He did the impression often, usually when there weren't many men in
the audience. The second, was his interview with one of the plants,
which I'm sure they put up on purpose to make men look bad. I was
embarrassed for men. Third, at the end, Donahue shows his disgust,
throws the script down and walks off. Thanks, Phil. That's how I got
a copy of the script. A friend of a friend of a friend picked it up.
Donahue was famous for finding ways to put men down, usually when
they weren't present. On the few shows where men were the focal
point, there was almost always a woman on stage to refute whatever
they had to say. Not so when it was women talking about the Dead Beat
Dad or the Broken Relationship or Spousal Abuse. Only one side of
those stories were allowed. He only did one show on circumcision the
whole time he was on the air, and swore he would never present that
subject again. He did two that I remember on Fathers, over two years
apart. Each had an audience full of dads and kids, from babies to
pre-teens. I remember one comment he made was something to the effect
that he must have all the single dads in the country right there in
the studio. Another jab at men. Another show had men who had been
physically abused by their wives, including stab wounds and women in
the audience who admitted to being violent at their husbands. One
woman was telling her story. She was angry that the police had cuffed
her and taken her to the station, during the time her husband was
being taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Phil asked what she did
and she said she threw a staple gun at him, it bounced off the wall,
hit him in the head with enough force to require something like 20
stitches. Donahue quips, "Oh, a bank shot, eh?" And the audience
laughs. And, while he's gone, there have been plenty of talk-show
hosts to replace him. They now get unsuspecting guys on who think the
show is about patching up their relationship when it's really "How to
Dump Your Boyfriend" on national TV. I've been on my share of
talk-shows, from Oprah to Hour Magazine, and a number of local talk
shows. You can really see, once you know, how it's set up, usually
not to present men in a positive light, though around 1/3 of the
viewing audience are men. There was an exception in one program on
Donahue - and believe me, I used to tape three talk shows a day and
edit them by subject so I had seen a lot of talk shows and how men
are treated. It was during the summer and Phil was on vacation. They
taped what had originally been planned for one hour, which he watched
from home. He got so excited about the show that he had them continue
taping to make a second show so he get down to the studio for it. (I
remember we didn't get to see it in San Francisco because KGO-TV
decided it didn't want it and did a re-run, as I remember, that was
very male negative.) Now, most producers try to set things up
especially to trigger a man into making a fool of himself. One of the
women said something like, "Well, do you drum and run around nude in
the woods. Joe Laur, a man that does week long survival trainings for
men in the wilderness took a deep breath, looked at the woman, and in
a nonjudgmental, no reactive way said, "What do you think?" At the
end of the taping, Donahue, who was off screen in jeans and a shirt,
was coaxed on stage, was asked to honor his father and grandfather,
Phil and Phil, and left the stage, appearing somewhat embarrassed.
Ironically, Ken Druck was also on this show, years after the original
one. It was one of the cleanest, most honest portrayals of men doing
their work and the talk show honestly presenting it without a lot of
manipulation, ploys and shame. And, while it didn't make up for all
the other put-downs of men who were really working to change their
lives for the betterment of everyone around them, it was a welcomed
start. Note: Here are Donahue's 9 pages of notes. They were
originally on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. The only alteration I made was to
trim the sides to make the type larger and still work within the
format for this site.
Initial Response (10/30/00)
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Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things
that matter. - Max Beerbohm
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