Menstuff® features a recently published book, starting each Monday for the week. This information appears on our homepage and at "Today", which is seen be visitors and subscribers. Selections to date are listed below. See also Book of the Week 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
12/29-1/4/09: Sacred Paths for Modern Men: A wake up call from your 12 archetypes, Dagonet Dewr
12/22-28: The Price of Privilege: How parental pressure and material advantage are creting a generation of disconnected and unhappy kids, Madeline Levine
12/15-21: Men to Boys: The making of modern immaturity, Gary Cross
12/8-14: The Secret Life of It Girls, Dakota Lane
12/1-7: Becoming the Kind Father: A son's journey, Calvin Sandborn
11/24-30: Good Girl Revolution: Young rebels with self-esteem and high standards, Wendy Shalit
11/17-23: War and the Soul: Healing our nation's veterans from Post-TraumaticStress Disorder, Edward Tick
11/10-16: How to Have Fun with Retirement: The lighter side of retired life, Parick M. Kennedy
11/3-9: Codependence and the Power of Deachment: How to set boundaries and make your life your own, Karen Casey
10/27-11/2: Journeyman A documentary about rites of passage, mentoring and male culture in America.
10/20-26: Leadership and the Sexes: Using gender science to create success in business, Michael Gurian with Barbara Annis
10/13-19: A Man's Feelings: Finding closure after divorce, Michael Eads
10/6-12: Get Up: A 12-step guide to recovery for misfits, freaks & weirdos, Bucky Sinister
9/29-10/5: Growing Balls: Personal power for young men, David Hafter
9/23-28: The Encyclopedia of Immaturity, How to never grow up, Editors of Klutz
9/15-21: Mom's House, Dad's House for Kids: Feeling at home in one home or two, Isolina Ricci
9/8-14: Grandpa Rules: Notes on grandfatherhood, the World's Best Job, Michael Milligan
9/1-7: How you do...What you do: Create service excellence that wins clients for life, Bob Livingston
8/25-31 The Art of Learning:" An inner journey to optimal performance, John Waitzkin
8/18-24 The Man Book, Otto DeFay
8/11-17 The No Complaining Rule: Positive ways to deal with negativity at work, Jon Gordon
8/4-10: Maximum Strength: Get your strongest body in 16 weeks with the Ultimate Weight-Training Program, Eric Cressey and Matt Fitzgerald
7/28-8/3: When Religion is an Addiction, Robert N. Minor,
7/21-27: Fifth-five Fathers, Jeff Paisley
7/14-20: Comfort and Joy: Simple ways to care for ourselves and others, Colette Lafia 1573243515 (book is 1573243513)
7/7-13: Porn for New Moms and Porn for Women, Susan Anderson
6/30-7/6: The Five Secrets you Must Discover Before You Die, John Izzo
6/23-29: In Grandpa's Hands: A child's celebration of family, Marlena E. Uhrik
6/16-22: Midlife Manual for Men: Finding significance in the second half, Stephen Arterburn and John Shore
6/9-15: Best Things Fathers Do: Ideas and advice from real world dads, Will Glennon
6/2-8: Life is Sweet: 333 ways to look on the bright side and find the happiness in front of you, Addie Johnson
5/26-6/1: Why am I so DAMN Unhappy? And what to do about it, James Downton, Jr
5/19-25: Make Any Divorce Better, Ed Sherman
5/12-18: The Kids Book of Questions, Gregory Stock
5/5-11: Horton Hears a Who! Dr. Seuss,
4/28-5/3: Body Signs: From warning signs to false to be your own diagnostic deteective, Joan Liebmann-Smith and Jacqueline Nardi Egan
4/21-27: Divas of San Francisco: Portraits of transsexual women, David Steinberg
4/14-20: Test-Drive Your Dream Job: A step-by-step guide to finding and creating the work you love, Brian Kurth
4/7-13: The Code: 10 intentions for a better world, Tony Burroughs
3/31-4/6: Points: Women Have Them, Men Need Them, The Relationship Survival Guide for People Who Don't Like Relatinship Survival Guides, I. Glebe (Not on yet)
3/24-30: Not Buying It: My year without shopping, Judith Levine
3/17-23: The Anatomy of Divorce, Robert M. Tansley
3/10-16: Beat the System: 11 Secrets to building an entrepreneurial culture in a bureaucratic world, Robert W. MacDonald
3/3-9: The Body Has a Mind of Its Own: How body maps in your brain help you do (almost)_ everything better, Sandra Blakeslee and Matthew Blakeslee
2/25-3/2: The Definitive Guide to Cancer: An integrative approach to prevention, treatment and healing, Lise Alschuler and Karolyn A. Gazella
2/18-24: Practically Shameless: How shadow work helped me find my voice, my path and my inner gold, Alyce Barry
2/11-17: Practice Random Acts of Kindness: Bring more peace, love and compassion into the world, Will Glennon
2/4-10: Giving Thanks: The gifts of gratitude. M. J. Ryan
1/28-2/3: Men-opause: The book for men. How to support and survive your partner's menopause, improve sexual intimacy and end up with a stronger relationship, Michael Goodman
1/21-27: The Engine of America: The keys to small business success from entrepreneurs who have made it! Hector Barreto
1/14-20: The Untethered Soul: The journey beyond yourself, Michael A. Singer
1/7-13: Fathers-To-Be Handbook: A road map for the transition to fatherhood, Patrick Houser
12/31-1/6/08: It's Up to You: A practice to change your life by changing your mind, Karen Casey
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