Menstuff® features a recently published book, starting each
Monday for the week. This information appears on our homepage and at
"Today", which is seen be visitors
and subscribers. Selections to date are listed below. See also Book
of the Week 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003,
2004 and 2005.
12/25-31: I Love You Daddy! and I Love You...Grandpa! Giant Coloring and Activity Books.
12/18-24: What your doctor may not tell you about Depression: The breakthrough integrative approach for effective treatment, Michael B. Schachter, Deborah Mitchell
12/11-17: The Go Point: When it's time to decide. Knowing what to do and when to do it, Michal Useem
12/4-10: Cyber Love's Illusions: Exposing the Romance Scams of Internet Dating, by Anna Alden-Tirrill and Jonathan van Helsing
11/27-12/3: Ten Things Every Black Man Must do Before He Dies by Julius Kane
11/20-26: What Ever It Takes, God: The most difficult things for men to survive, John Oarc
11/13-19: What Color is your Jockstrap? Funny men and women write from the road, Ed. by Jennifer L. Leo
11/6-12: Voices of African-American Teen Fathers, Angelia M. Paschal
10/30-11/5: Boys Don't Cry; Men Do, Alberto Minzer
10/23-29: Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Men, M. Sandra Wood
10/16-22: The Shaolin Workout: 28 days to transforming your body and soul the warrior's way, Sifu Shi Yan Ming
10/9-15: The Song of Father-Son: Men in search of the blessing, Peter Putnam
10/2-8: The Longevity Bible: 8 essential strategies for keeping your mind sharp and your body young, Gary Small
9/25-10/1: The Missing Peace: Solving the anger problem for alcoholics, addicts and those who love them, John Lee
9/18-24: Best Seat in the House: A father, a daughter, a journey through sports, Christine Brennan
9/11-17: Real Men Cook: More than 100 easy recipes celebrating tradition and family, K. Kofi Moyo
9/4-10: Creative Competitive Advantage: Think you know your company's competitive advantage? Think again. Jayne L. Smith
8/28-9/3: Why Girls Can't Throw and other questions you always wanted answered, Mitchell Symons
8/21-27: The Why Cafe, John P. Strelecky
8/14-20: The No Sweat Exercise Plan: Lose weight, get healthy, and live longer, Harvey B. Simon
8/7-13: There are No Mistakes: Becoming comfortable with life as it is, not as it "should" be, Eleanor Wiley, Caroline Pincus
7/31-8/6: Bi America: Myths, truths and struggles of an invisible community, William E. Burleson, Harrington Press, 2005
7/24-30: When It's Cancer: The 10 essential steps to follow after your diagnosis, Toni Bernay, Saar Porrath
7/17-23: Revved! An incredible way to rev up your workplace and achieve amazing results, Harry Paul, Ross Reck
7/10-16: Doing Nothing: A history of loafers, loungers, slackers, and bums in America, Tom Lutz
7/3-9: Straight Talk about Gays in the Workplace: Creating an inclusive, productive environment for everyone in your organization, Liz Winfeld
6/26-7/2: Collaborative Divorce: The revolutionary new way to restructure your family, resolve legal issues, and move on with your life, Pauline Tesler, Peggy Thompson
6/19-25: The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight ways to win your wife's heart, Scott Haltzman, Theresa Foy Digeronimo
6/12-18: Where Men Hide, James Twitchell
6/5-11: The Smart Couple's Guide to the Wedding of Your Derams: Planning together for less stress and more joy, Judith Sherven and James Sniechowski
5:29-6/4: Blueprint for Men's Health: A guide to a health lifestyle, Armin Brott
5/22-28: The Female-to-English Dictoinary, Dr. Nick Shoveen
5/15-21: Internet Guide to Anti-Aging and Longevity, Elizabeth Connor
5/8-14: Danica Patrick: Crossing the Line, Danica Patrick
5/1-7: Ex-Gay Research: Analyzing the Spitzer study and its relation to science, religion, polotices and culture, Jack Drescher, Kenneth Zucker, ed
4/24-30: Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the rise of raunch culture, Airel Levy
4/17-23: 24/7 or Dead: A handbook for families with a loved one in the hospital, Jari Holland Buck
4/10-16: In Control: No more snapping at your family, sulking at work, steaming in the grocery line, seething in meetings, stuffing your frustration, Redford and Virginia Williams
4/3-9: 10 Smart Things Gay Men Can do to Find Real Love, Joe Kort
3/27-4/2: Conscious Dating: Finding the love of your life in today's world, David Steele (plus CD)
3/20-26: Manga Books for Girls, Passage 1 & 2, Annette Roman
3/13-19: When it Comes to Guys, What's Normal? Bernice Kanner
3/6-12: Voice Male: What husbands really think about their marriages, their wives, sex, housework and commitment, Neil Chethik
2/27-3/5: Stop & Think: The seven habits of healthy living, Andrew Tutino
2/20-26: Bi Men Coming Out every which way, Ron Jackson Suresha, Pete Chvany, editors
2/13-19: 101 Ways to Have True Love in Your Life, Daphne Rose Kingma
2/6-12: Women Who Make the World Worse and how their radical feminist assault is ruining our schools, families, military and sports, Kate O'Breirne
1/30-2/5: Backpacking through Divorce: How to deal when you've been dumped, Sean Hinchey
1/23-29: Position of the Day: Sex every day in every way, designed by Erik Olsen
1/16-22: Body Intelligence: Lose weight, keep it off, and feel great about your body without dieting! Edward Adramson
1/9-15: Unbecoming Mothers: The social production of maternal absence, Diana L. Gustafson, editor
1/2-8: Interantional Journal of Transgenderism, Friedemann Pfafflin, Walter Bockting, Eli Coleman, Richard Ekins, Dave King
12/26/05-1/1/06: Boomers' Guide to Online Dating, Judsen Culbreth
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