New This Month 2009 
Menstuff® updates portions of the web site weekly and major
portions on the first day of each month. This includes men's books,
events, issues, links, periodicals and resources that have been
updated this month. For a historical perspective, prior monthly
updates can be found at: 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
2003, 2002,
2001, 2000,
1999 and 1998.
| February
| Mrch
| April
| May
| June
| July
| August
| September
| October
| November
| December
Updates for December, 2009
Updates for November, 2009
Updates for October, 2009
- Issues
issues this
week. We also discuss a different issue each day at Today.
See the list of issues for this
- Newsbytes
- Some things that are happening that impact men.
- Book
Reviews -
books received since the last update, published or copyrighted:
In 2009:
The Anger
Solution, The proven method for achieveing calm and developing
healthy, long-lasting relationships, John Lee; Excuses
Begone! How to change lifelong, self-defeating thinking
habits, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer; Learning
to Sing in a Strange Land: When a loved one goes to
prison, Wesley Stevens; Look
in My Mirror, Javier Sanchez and
12 Steps that Can
Save Your Life, Real-life stories from people who are walking the
walk, Barb Rogers.
In: 2008:
In: 2007:
In: 2006:
In 2005:
In 2004:
In 2003:
to the Cry of the Child: The deafening silence of sexual
abuse, Barbara J.Hansen. In 2002:
In 2001:
In 2000:
In 1999:
In 1998:
In 1997:.In
- Take Action
- Book of the
- Favorite Web
- YouTube
Updates for September, 2009
Updates for August, 2009
- Issues
issues this
week. We also discuss a different issue each day at Today.
See the list of issues for this
- Newsbytes
- Some things that are happening that impact men.
- Book
Reviews -
books received since the last update, published or copyrighted:
In 2009:
Act like
a Lady, Think Like a Man: What men really think about love,
relationships, intimacy and commitment, Steve Harvey.
Girl, a Novel by Gary Morgenstein; Why
Loyalty Matters: The groundbreaking approach to rediscovering
happiness, meaning and lasting fulfillment in your life and
work, Timothy Keiningham and Lerzan Aksoy
In: 2008:
In: 2007:
Dating the
Matrix: A 28-day comprehensive manual to approaching,
initiating, and creating romantic relationships with women you
desire, Eric Ivy In: 2006:
In 2005:
In 2004:
In 2003:
In 2002:
In 2001:
In 2000:
In 1999:
In 1998:
In 1997:.In
- Take Action
- Book of the
- Favorite Web
- YouTube
Updates for July, 2009
Updates for June, 2009
Updates for May, 2009
Updates for April, 2009
Updates for March, 2009
- Issues
issues this
week. We also discuss a different issue each day at Today.
See the list
of issues for this month.
- Newsbytes
- Some things that are happening that impact men.
- Book
Reviews -
books received since the last update, published or copyrighted:
In 2009:
Backpacking with
Brian, Bryn Parry; Hair
Loss & Replacement for Dummies, William R. Rassman,
Robert M. Bernstyein, Jae Pak, Eric S. Schweiger; Spangler, David,
The Laws of
Manifestation, David Spangler; Jeary, Tony, Strategic
Acceleration: Succeed at the speed of life, Tony Jeary.
In: 2008:
Great American Heart Hoax: Lifesaving advice your doctor should
tell you about heart disease prevention (but probably never
will), Michael Ozner; Keep
it Simply & Sane: Freeing yourself from addictive
thinking, Barb Rogers; Made
to Stick: Why some ideas survive and others die, Chip and
Dan Heath. In: 2007:
Dude You're
a Fag: Masculinity and sexuality in high school, C. J.
Pascoe; Lube
Jobs: A woman's guide to great maintenance sex,
Don and Debra Macleod; The
Rick & Bubba Code: The two sexiest fat men alive
unlock the mysteries of the universe, Rick Burgess
& Bill "Bubba" Bussey, So
You're Gonna Be a Dad - Now what? Building hope and endurance for
the new father, Scott Patchin
In: 2006:
Me: Why today's young Americans are more confident,
assertive, entitled - and more miserable than ever before,
Jean M. Twenge; Silent
Power, Stuart Wilde. In 2005:
Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex: Sensual advice on
achieving more exciting and satisfying sexual experiences,
Locker, Sari. In 2004:
In 2003:
In 2002:
In 2001:
In 2000:
In 1999:
In 1998:
In 1997:.In
- Take Action
- Book of the
- Favorite Web
- YouTube
Updates for February, 2009
- Issues
issues this
week. We also discuss a different issue each day at Today.
See the list
of issues for this month.
- Newsbytes
- Some things that are happening that impact men.
- Book
Reviews -
books received since the last update, published or copyrighted:
In 2009:
Brother, Rich Sister: Two different paths to god, money and
happiness, Emi Kiyosaki and Robert Koyosaki
In: 2008:
How Bad Do You
Really Want It? Getting from where you are to where you want
to be, Tom Massey; I Have
Fun Everywhere I Go: Savage tales of pot, porn, punk rock,
pro wrestling, talking apes, evil bosses, dirty blues, American
heroes, and the most notorious magazines in the world, Mike
Edison; Why
She Cheated, and It's Your Fault, Greg Reynolds In:
In: 2006:
In 2005:
In 2004:
In 2003:
In 2002:
In 2001:
In 2000:
In 1999:
In 1998:
In 1997:.In
- Take Action
- Book of the
- Favorite Web
- YouTube
Updates for January, 2009
Reminder of the special areas at Menstuff
For Fathers:
For Kids
& Teens: www.menstuff.org/kidstuff/current.html
Lots of links,along with general and safety information for
parents. Special calendar of Retreats
for Your Kids.
For Men's
Health: www.healthstuff.us 
For Men's
Issues: www.mensissues.us 
For Relationship: www.relationstuff.org

For Sexstuff: www.letstalkaboutsex.org

For Testicular
Cancer: www.tcaw.org 
For Prostate
Cancer: www.pcaw.org 
For Men At
Risk: www.menatrisk.org 
For NonProfit
Men'sOrganizations: www.mencare.org 
- Free Signups - Receive this
Daily Thoughts & Issues at home, free. What a
great way to start the day! Get all new information every morning
at 12:15 am PST. Subscribe at menstuff-html-subscribe@topica.com.
Want more
If you are a real man, sign up for at least one of these
free programs. We want you to be a Menstuff visitor for
a long time to come.
If you are between 15-40: A monthly reminder to do a
sevlf exam.
If you are 40+: An annual reminder to schedule a prostate
If you are 60+: A monthly reminder to do a breast
cancer self-exam. Hundreds of men die every year from breast
Calendar -
Updated International,
National, Regional,
Local listings.
All events are broken down by Title,
Type, and
Date. Click on
the title to learn more about an event. Also, see Men's
Councils and Other
Organizations to find out when they hold regular
- Mediawatch
- How advertising is depicting men or what they are saying about
men and what you can do about it.
- Most recent issues of magazines for Men,
Kids, Teens,
- Today
- Check out our Book
of the Week and Today's
Issue (Issue of the Day). See this month's list
of issues. Receive these Daily Thoughts
& Issues at home free. Just send us a blank e-mail to
for our html format. For a text copy, subscribe at menstuff-subscribe@topica.com
What a great way to start the day! Want more
- Linking to Menstuff.
We have special logos and URLs when you're looking to resources to
expand your web site as an information resource.
- Missing
Children - We're happy to
support of the National Center for Missing
& Exploited Children.
- Snippets - They are everywhere
but are usually hanging on at the very end of a page. Some call
them scratchings, which is Italian for graffiti. So. Evidence of
snippets goes back to early Roman and Greek times. Ours don't go
back that far but we hope you will enjoy them anyway. Share your
favorite snippets with us eMail.
We love your original ones, but your favorites come in a close
- Volunteer
- A quick and easy way to make a difference.
Bye for Now. Our web site is pretty clear when you are
going to be leaving to visit another web site since we usually
provide the complete URL and don't make a habit of hiding it
behind a title or burying it within our own URL. However, in some
situations, we have used a subject title as the link. As we locate
these situations within our site, you will see more of this icon.
It simply means that by clicking on the accompanying hyperlink,
you will be leaving our site for another site.
- Under
Where this symbol is used, we are actively developing that sector.
Send us any information, resources, and books on the issue that
you may know of. Thanks.
* * *
"Time is nature's way of keeping everything
from happening at once."
Let's hear your
Free Listings
Our goal is to update this web site on the first
day for the month. If you have new information you would like to
provide, or corrections in any of the above areas, contact our
Have an Event
to promote? What about a Service
or Resource for men? Have you published a
book relating to mens issues since 1996? Send us a review copy
and we will put a review and the jacket cover in the appropriate
"Books by Mens Issue". If you go on a book signing tour or do
workshops connected with the book, well list
these activities in the Events section.
Information is provided on over 100 men's issues. Is there
that you would like included in our Issues section? Do you have a
site or e-mail regarding any of the above?
We'll do our best to accommodate you. For
future reference, put us on your PR list and keep us posted. Send
information via eMail
(put all information in the body of the message, as we cannot accept
attachments), or snail mail to: Gordon Clay at PO Box 1080,
Brookings, OR 97415

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