AU - Australia, CAN - Canada, GB - England, FR - France, DE2 - Germany, NZ - New Zealand, ZA - South Africa **
Jun 1-30 is International Men's Month - See List of Men's Issues & Book of the Day. Each day at "Today" on our home page, we will be presenting information on a different men's issue. The issue changes each day at midnight, so check in to learn more about "Men's Issues" and men's lives. We will also have a Book of the Day concerning that issue. This might be the perfect time to sign up for our free newsletter which will bring all of this to you each morning. Spread the word and let everyone in your address book know.
Jun 1 - Affirmations
- Be the
Change: How meditation can transform you and the
Ed and Deb Shapiro
Jun 2 - Awareness
- Excuses
Begone! How to change lifelong, self-defeating thinking
habits, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Jun 3 - Sex
Roles, Social Theory - A New
Conversatoin with Men, Michael Taylor
Jun 4 - Culture, humor,
the media, music, poetry,
writings - Diary of
a Wimpy Kid: The last straw series by Jeff Kinney
CA, Jun 4-6 - Northcoast
Men's Gathering, Petrolia, CA
Jun 4-6 - New
Warrior Training Adventure, CHI, Greater Washington, New England,
Jun 5 - Men's Lives -Play: How
it shapes the brain, opens the imagination, and invigorates the
soul, Stuart Brown
MA Jun 6 - Cambridge Public Health's Men's Bike
Ride, 8:30 am - 11:00 am, Alewife T Station, Cambridge
Jun 6 - Isolation,
Intimacy - Buddy
System: Understanding male friendships, Geoffrey L. Greif
Jun 7 - Homophobia,
Gay Issues -
Straight Talk about
Gays in the Workplace: Creating an inclusive, productive
environment for everyone in your organization, Liz Winfeld
Jun 8 - Abuse -
sexual, physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual - 12
Steps that Can Save Your Life, Real-life stories from people who are
walking the walk, Barb Rogers
MA Jun 8 - Peace@Home, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm,
Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave. helps men
talk with other men about domestic violence.
Jun 9 - Violence
- plus largest resource of alternatives
to violence for male and female perpetrators - Handbook
of School Violence, Edwin R. Gerler, Jr.
DC - Jun 9 - Tyler House Community Health Fair,
10am - 4pm, 1200 North Capitol Street NW, Washington
Jun 10 - Crime
& Prison
- Learning to Sing
in a Strange Land: When a loved one goes to prison, Wesley
OH Jun 10 - Health Fair YMCA, all day,
Jun 11 - Environmental
Responsibility - Our
Final Hour: A scientist's warning, Martin Rees
FL - Jun 11 - 1st Annual Men's Health Summit,
Jacksonville, All Day, Duval County Health Department
Jun 11-13 - New
Warrior Training Adventure, NorCal, Northwest,
WI Jun 11-13 - Taking
It Lightly, Milwaukee
Jun 12 - Circumcision
- I Want
My Foreskin for GiftMas, Carl Schutt
MI, Jun 12 - Creating
Trust and Intimacy: A One Day Workshop for Men, Royal Oak
TX - Jun 12 - Tune
Up The Whole Man Conference, 8am-3pm, El Centro College, 801 Main
St, Dallas
GA Jun 12 - Annual Men's Health Expo, 8am -
3pm, Saint Joseph's Hospital, 5665 Peachtree Dunwoody Road,
TN, Jun 12 - Men's Health Summit, 8:30 am -
1pm, 1115 Union Ave., Memphis
MA Jun 12 - Men's Health Breakfast,10:30 am -
1pm, Christian Life Center, 85 Bishop Allen Dr., Cambridge
VA Jun 12 - Celebrate Fathers, 11am - 4pm,
808 Principal Court, Chesapeake
Jun 13 - Multicultural
- Ten Things
Every Black Man Must do Before He Dies, Julius Kane
Jun 14 - Men's Emotional Health (Men's
Health Week - US/CAN/UK/NSW ) - The
Anger Solution, The proven method for achieveing calm and developing
healthy, long-lasting relationships, John Lee
MI - Jun 14 - Beyond Misbehavior and
Misinformation: Why Health Information Does Not Improve Black
Mens Health, Talk with Professor Derek Griffith, 6pm-7pm,
Hubbard Branch Detroit Public Library
DC - Jun 14-19 - Men's
Health Begins at Birth. 7th Annual Demonstration/March Against
Circumcision, West side of the US Capitol, all day.
IN Jun 14-18 - NorthShore Men's Health
Fair, 8:30am-4pm. Three Different Locations: 3564 Scottsdale St.,
Portage; 6450 US Highway 6, Portage; 2490 Central Ave., Lake
Jun 14-20 - National
Men's Health Week, 9am-9pm,
Jun 15 - Men's
Physical Health - men out-die women in 9 out of 10 leading causes
of death (Men's Health Week -
A-Z Guide to Food Additives: Never eat what you can't
pronounce, Deanna M. Minich
GA - Jun 15 - Old school Vs. New School
Basketball Game with a half-time mens health speaker. Registration is
at 6:30 game starts at 7. Ron Anderson Recreation Center, Powder
IN - Jun 15 - Bring A Man To a Doctor Day,
Raphael Health Center, Indianapolis. Uninsured men call 317-926-1507
to schedule an appointment
OH Jun 15 - Health Fair, YMCA, 1640
Sandalwood Place Columbus, all day
Jun 16 - Men's
Sexual Health (Men's Health
Week - US/CAN/UK/NSW) - The
Fire and the Rose: The wedding of spirituality and
sexuality, Bud Harris
GA - Jun 16 - Men's Sunrise Walk and Health
Workshops, 7:30 am Men's Sunrise 1 Mile walk; 8:30am Breakfast for
all walk participants; 10:00am Workshop "Men's Health Issues";
Harriett G. Darnell Senior Multipurpose Facility, Atlanta
IL - Jun 16 - Stand Up for Men, 11am-2pm (EST),
TCA Health, 1029 E. 130th St., Chicago
GA - Jun 16 - A Call to Arms, Leading a Longer
and Healthier Life, sponsored by the Georgia State University Men's
Health Committee. 12pm-3pm (EST), Veterans Memorial Hall, 30
Courtland St, Atlanta
MI - Jun 16 - Mens Health Lecture and
Qs & As with a Dr. Michael Somand, 6pm-7:30pm (EST),
Hubbard Branch Detroit Public Library
Jun 17 - Men's
Spiritual Health (Men's Health
Week - US/CAN/UK/NSW ) - Sacred
Paths for Modern Men: A wake up call from your 12
archetypes, Dagonet Dewr
MA - Jun 17 - All About Men's Health,
4:30pm-7pm (EST), William Devine Golf Course Clubhouse, Boston,
Jun 18 - Men's
Mental Health (Men's Health
Week - US/CAN/UK/NSW) - Act
like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What men really think about love,
relationships, intimacy and commitment, Steve Harvey
AL - Jun 18-20 - Ultimate Man Stuff Expo, (All
Day), Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex, 2100 Richard Arrington
Jr. Blvd., North Birmingham
Jun 18-20 - New
Warrior Training Adventure, German-Speaking Europe
Jun 19 - Vigil for lost fathers; night of mourning and healing
(Men's Health Week -
Purpose of Boys: Helping our sons find meaning, significance,
and direction in their lives, Michael Gurian
GA - Jun 19 - Run
for Dad Prostate Cancer Awareness, (All Day), Sandy Springs Home
Depot, Prostate Cancer awareness 5K Run/ 1 Mile Walk, 6400 Peachtree
Dunwoody Road (Just South of Mt. Vernon) Sandy Springs
WI - Jun 19 - Mens Breakfast and Workshop,
sponsored by the Bretwood Health Organizaton. (All Day), Leroy Durlex
Annex, 6425 North 60th street, Milwaukee
CA - Jun 19 -The Santa Clarita Health Team
Ministry's Health Fair, 9am - 2pm (EST), 18541 Soledad Canyon Rd.
Santa Clarita
MA - Jun 19 - Hoops 'N' Health, 10am-8pm (EST),
Hoyt Field, Cambridge
WI - Jun 19 - Healthy Fathers make Healthy
Families, sponsored by the MLK Heritage Health Center. 11am - wpm
(EST ), 2555 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Milwaukee
MI - Jun 19 - Detroit Public Library's
Men's Health Expo, 12pm-4pm (EST), Main Library, 5201 Woodward Ave.,
FL - Jun 19 - Tampa
Bay's First Annual Biker Reunion, 1pm-7pm (EST), Double Decker
Lounge. 1001 West Cass Street , Tampa
Jun 20 - Father's
Day Show your father or mentor how much you care for them.
(Men's Health Week -
Dumbest Generation: How the digital age stupefies young
americans and jeopardizes our future (0r, don't trust anyone under
30). Mark Bauerlein
DC - Jun 20 - Father's Day Run/Walk, (4.97
miles) 5:30 pm-8:30 pm (EST), Capital Crescent Trail under Key
Bridge, 3530 Water Street. WEAR BLUE to celebrate June as Men's
Health Month
VA - Jun 20 - Canoeing Down the Smith
River.Spponsored by Martinsville Henry County Coalition for Health
and Wellness (All Day), 276-956-2983 ext 301, Gravely Nature
TX - Jun 20 - Mens health awareness day,
sponsored by the Turning Point Bible Fellowship Church (All Day),
Jun 21 - Aging,
transition &
death - Why
Loyalty Matters: The groundbreaking approach to rediscovering
happiness, meaning and lasting fulfillment in your life and work,
Timothy Keiningham and Lerzan Aksoy
Jun 22 - International
Take Your Kids to Work Week one day this week - So
Sexy So Soon: The new sexualized childhood and what parents can do to
protect their kids, Diane E. Levin and Jean Kilbourne
Jun 23 - Fathers, Single
Fathers, Step-Fathers,
Fathers, Fathers
& Daughters, Fathers
& Sons - Nurture
Shock: New thinking about children, Po Bronson
& Ashley Merryman
Jun 24 - Fathers, Single
Fathers, Step-Fathers,
Fathers, Fathers
& Daughters, Fathers
& Sons - Heroes
of the Blue Sky Rebellion: How you and other young men can claim
all the happiness in the world, Jack Kammer
Jun 25 - Mentoring
& Initiation - From
Boys to Men of Heart: Hunting as rite of passage, Randall L.
Jun 25-27 - New
Warrior Training Adventure, CO, HOU
Jun 26 - Relationships
- How
50 Couples Found Love after 50, Tom Blake
UT - Jun 26 - Stampede
for Men's Health 5K/1M Run/Walk, 8am, Wheeler Farm (900 E. 6352
S., Murrey outside Salt Lake City.
Jun 27 - Divorce
and Custody - The
Guys-Only Guide to Getting Over Divorse and on with life, sex and
relationships, Sam J. Buser, Glenn F. Sternes
CA, Jun 27 - Just
Because It's June!, Berkeley
Jun 27 - National HIV Testing
Day sponsored by the National Association of People with Aids
GA Jun 27 - Honoring the Real Men of Darnell,
10am-12pm (EST), Harriett G. Darnell Senior Multipurpose Facility
Jun 28 - Addiction
& Recovery - Life,
Love, Laughter: Celebrating your existence, Osho, with DVD
Jun 29 - The Five Major
Men's Movements - Mythopoetic
Perspectives of Men's Healing Work: An anthology for therapists
and others, Edward Read Barton, Bergin & Garvey
Jun 30 - Responsibility - Put
Your Money Where Your Heart Is: Investment strategies for
lifetime wealth, Natalie Pace
FL - Jun 30 - Tampa Bay Uninsured Roundtable
Discussion, 12pm-1:30pm (EST) includes lunch, St. Anthonys
Outpatient Center, Carillon 900 Carillon Park, Tampa Bay. eMail
to reserve your spot.
June is Adopt-A-Shelter Cat; Cancer from the Sun; Children's Awareness; Entrepreneurs "Do It Yourself" Marketing; Fireworks Safety; *Gay & Lesbian Pride Coming Out Month - Time to celebrate all forms of love and family; International Men's; International People Skills; National Bless-a-Child; National Burglary Prevention; National Rivers; National Safety; National Scleroderma Awareness; Rebuild Your Life; Student Safety; Vision Research and National Headache Awareness Month.
These dates are from past years and may change in 2010: May 14-Jun 18: National Family Month. Week of June 1-7: International Volunteers; Stepparents Week. June 2-9: National Homeownership Week. June 2-10: National Fishing Week. June 3-9: Black Single Parents, National Hug Holiday, *Small Business Week. June 7-14: Nurses Assistants Day and Week. June 10-16: *National Flag Week. June 11-17: Meet a Mate, *National Little League Baseball; National Men's Health Week in the U.S. and Canada. June 13-20: National Hermit Week. June 17-23: National Forgiveness; Universal Father's Week. June 17-24: Amateur Radio Week. June 18-22: Take Your Pet to Work Week. June 24-30: Carpenter Any Awareness; Helen Keller Deaf-Blindness Awareness Week. June 27 - July 4: Special Recreation Week. June 1: National New Year's Resolution Recommitment; Stand for Children Day that encourages individuals to improve children's lives. June 1-2 Donut; Partner's Day - Day to give thanks to your spouse/partner for precious love shared. June 2: Mindfulness; National Trails Day; June 3: Children's Awareness, June 4: United Nationals International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. June 5: Alternative Officing, National Family, United Nations World Environment Day - Day to mourn the harm done to the earth (past and present), make reparation and celebrate its beauty. June 9: Take a Kid Fishing Weekend. June 10: Abused Women and Children's Awareness Day; Alcoholics Anonymous founded. Children's Sunday. June 11: Race Unity Day. June 14: *Flag Day, Family History; Sustainable Development Day - Day the world's nations committed to sustainable development (1992). June 15: Magna Carta Day. June 16: *Father's Day, Family Awareness, United Nations World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, Join Hands Day. June 19: National Splurge; Still Need to Do; World Sauntering Day. June 20: World Juggling; Toad Hollow Day of Thank You. June 21: Baby Boomers Recognition Day. June 23: Let It Go Day. June 24: Celebration of the Senses; America's Kids Day. June 26: UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture; United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking; National Columnist's Day. June 27: National HIV Testing; Special Recreation for Disabled, Decide to Be Married Day. June 28: Stonewall Riots - (1969), day to mourn victims of homophobia (past and present), make peace, and celebrate lesbian and gay empowerment. June 29: Peter & Paul Day. June 30: Descendants Day.
* Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made.
Clad in tight, beaded corsets that indicate their position in the age set system, two Dinka friends walk among the herd. First fitted at puberty, the color-coded corsets are everyday wear for most Dinka males. They are sewn in place and removed only when the wearer is promoted to a new age set. The red-and-blue corset on the right is worn by men of fifteen to twenty-five years of age, and the yellow-and-blue by those over thirty, indicating that the wearer is ready for marriage. Each Dinka herder is named after his "namesake ox," which he receives at puberty and adopts as a soulmate for life. Sudan. Men of the African Ark calendar, Pomegranate
State codes appear to the far left of the first line of each listing. If there is an event in the state this month, a click on the state code will bring up the first one. You will have to scroll down from there to see if there are other events in your state during the month. Using our internal search engine in the left sidebar will bring up everything with the state code, including events and even your state representatives. Click on where it says "Men's Events - (the month). When it brings up the month, click on the state code. If you would like more information about an event, click on the title and it will provide what we have. See Men's Councils and Other Organizations that have regular monthly meetings. All events presumed Men Only unless noted with a W&M. +R&B = + room & meals. +B = + meals.
This Calendar
lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months
and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a
positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know
here. It's all free. Click on Feedback
for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well
also hyperlink
your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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